College Wide Seminar

Imaging Biomarkers of the Development and Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis Symptoms and Structure

Image of Dr. C Kent Kwoh with description of seminar


12 p.m. – 12:50 p.m., Feb. 12, 2025


Join us for our next College Wide Seminar presented by Dr. C Kent Kwoh, Professor of Medicine Director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.  Dr. Kwoh’s research emphasis in the past several years has focused on the earlier detection of knee osteoarthritis structure and symptom onset and/or progression through the use of MRI imaging biomarkers; the characterization of knee pain location and spatial patterns; and the identification of predictive factors for outcomes following knee replacement.  An original site Principal Investigator on the OAI, a longitudinal cohort study, he has expanded the OAI research into several ancillary studies, including the Pivotal OAI MRI Analyses (POMA)  that seeks to identify imaging biomarkers for the development and/or progression of knee OA; the Biomarkers of Early Arthritis of Knee (BEAK) study; and a cross-cohort collaboration that combines the OAI, Multi-Center Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) and the Johnston County Osteoarthritis (JoCoOA) study, as well as other partnerships based on the OAI. 


Kevin Comisso