
PO Box: 245030
Tucson, AZ 85724
Dr. Lynn Gerald is the Zuckerman Family Endowed Chair in Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine and professor in the Department of Health Promotion Sciences at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, and associate director for clinical research with the Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center at the University of Arizona Health Sciences. She is a nationally known expert in the area of school based asthma including implementation of asthma management programs, school based asthma case detection, and internet based asthma monitoring. She also has extensive experience in the areas of clinical, behavioral and epidemiological research in asthma, COPD, and tuberculosis.
Dr. Gerald is actively involved in professional and community education related to asthma and has served on many national and local boards including the American Thoracic Society Board of Directors and the American Lung Association of Southern Arizona Board of Directors. She currently serves as PI of the American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Center at the University of Arizona. Dr. Gerald has also served on many thesis and dissertation committees and mentored many graduate students, fellows, and junior faculty in the development of research programs.
Educational Background:
Ph.D. Medical Sociology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.
M.S.P.H. Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.
M.A. Sociology, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL.
B.S. Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.
Selected Publications:
1. Gerald, Lynn B., Joe K. Gerald, Leslie A. McClure, Kathy F. Harrington, Sue Erwin, & William C. Bailey. (2011). “Redesigning a Large School-Based Clinical Trial in Response to Changes in Community Practice.” Clinical Trials (in press).
2. Gerald, Lynn B., Joe K. Gerald, Linda Gibson, Karna Patel, Sijian Zhang, & Leslie A. McClure. “Changes in ETS exposure and asthma morbidity among urban school children.” (2009). CHEST. 135:911-916. PMID: 19017893
3. Gerald, Lynn B., Leslie A. McClure, Joan M. Mangan, Kathy F. Harrington, Linda Gibson, Sue Erwin, Jody Atchison, & Roni Grad. (2009). “Increasing adherence to inhaled steroid therapy among schoolchildren: randomized controlled trial of school based supervised asthma therapy.” Pediatrics. 123:466-474. PMID: 19171611
4. Gerald, Lynn B., Marianna M. Sockrider, Roni Grad, Bruce G. Bender, Leslie P. Boss, Stanley P. Galant, Jorrit Gerritsen, Christine L. M. Joseph, Robert M. Kaplan, Julie A. Madden, Joan M. Mangan, Greg J. Redding, Diana K. Schmidt, Christina D. Schwindt, Virginia S. Taggart, Lani S. Wheeler, Kristin N. Van Hook, Paul V. Williams, Barbara P. Yawn, and Bulend Yuksel, on behalf of the ATS Ad Hoc Committee on Issues in Screening for Asthma in Children. (2007). “An Official ATS Workshop Report: Issues in Screening for Asthma in Children.” Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society. 4:133-141. PMID: 17494724
5. Joan M. Mangan, Angelina Wittich, & Lynn B. Gerald. (2007). “The Potential for Reducing Asthma Disparities through Improved Family and Social Function and Modified Health Behaviors.” CHEST. 132:789-801. PMID: 17998343
- PhD