
550 E. Van Buren Street
Building 1 - UA Phoenix Plaza
Phoenix AZ 85006
Currently not advising graduate students
Cecilia Rosales, MD, MS, is associate dean and professor at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health -- Phoenix and a native Tucsonan. Dr. Rosales is currently collaborating with El Colegio de Sonora and the Secretaria de Salud de Sonora on a National Institutes of Health RO1 grant titled, Tools and practices to decrease cardiovascular disease and complications in the diabetic population of Mexico. The research project aims to test the effectiveness of certain tools and practices to decrease cardiovascular disease and complications from diabetes. The aim is to scale up the intervention to the national level.
In addition, Dr. Rosales was awarded a grant by the Mexico Section of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission. The project seeks to develop and implement a primary prevention mobile unit to provide access to health services and promote healthy lifestyles to the Latino population in Maricopa County. Dr. Rosales convened and works with a team of interprofessional students and faculty from the UA Health Sciences in Phoenix to provide outreach services to residents who lack access to health services or are underinsured. Only four other cities received similar grants (Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and New York). She also recently was named a member of the Academic Technical Council of the Binational Border Health Network. The network is comprised of experts from 10 border states to improve response to the challenges posed by public health conditions on the U.S.-México border.
Dr. Rosales has demonstrated outstanding expertise and scholarship in the areas of program development and implementation, public health administration and policy and health disparities research related to the Southwest and border region. Her comprehensive understanding of the region has resulted in a unique contribution to the body of knowledge associated with border and Binational Health in general, and strengthening community-based participatory research and collaboration in the Southwest. The U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission, the Arizona-Mexico Commission, the Border Governors and the state health departments in Arizona and Sonora have benefited from her innovative and creative strategies for strengthening the public-health infrastructure in this region.
Dr. Rosales serves as the private sector co-chair of the Health Services Committee of the Arizona-Mexico Commission. Her deep understanding of the context in which the public health infrastructure can be strengthened at the local, state, national and binational level to address the issues of health disparities in this region is combined with her years of experience, along with her passionate commitment to the elimination of health disparities, mentoring of students and encouraging the pursuit of health sciences majors and interprofessional opportunities for students. She has developed a strong academic and community network created through her years of research, practice and service. Dr. Rosales strives to bring and work together with a multidisciplinary and binational cadre of interested parties, including academics, non-profit and governmental officials.
Education: 2000, MS, Epidemiology, University of Arizona 1987, MD, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez 1976, BS, Public Administration, University of Arizona |
PUBLICATIONS Peer Review Journal Articles On-line or Electronic (*student co-author) 2017 Valencia, C.* I., Ernst, K., & Rosales, C. B. (2017). Tuberculosis Treatment completion in a United states/Mexico Binational context. Frontiers in public health, 5. 2017 Gomez, M. G. R., Tonda, J., Zapata, R., Flynn, M., Gany, F., Lara, J., ... & Rosales, C. B. (2017). Ventanillas de Salud: A collaborative and binational health access and preventive care program. Frontiers in Public Health, 5, 151. 2017 Rosales, C. B., Guernsey De Zapien, J. E., Chang, J.*, Ingram, M., Fernandez, M. L., Carvajal, S. C., & Staten, L. (2017). Perspectives on a US-Mexico Border Community’s Diabetes and Health Care Access Mobilization Efforts and Comparative Analysis of Community Health Needs over 12 Years. Frontiers in Public Health, 5, 152. 2017 Contreras OA*, Rosales CB, Gonzalez-Fagoaga E, Valencia CI* and Rangel MG (2017) Impacting Binational Health through Leadership Development: A Program Evaluation of the Leaders across Borders Program, 2010–2014. Front. Public Health 5:215. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00215 2017 Valencia, C. I., Asaolu, I. O., Ehiri, J. E., & Rosales, C. (2017). Structural barriers in access to medical marijuana in the USA—a systematic review protocol. Systematic reviews, 6(1), 154. 2017 Osuchukwu, O., Nuῆez, M., Packard, S., Ehiri, J., Rosales, C., Hawkins, E., ... & Oren, E. (2017). Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening Acceptability among Migrant Farmworkers. International Migration, 55(5), 62-74. 2017 Hirata Okamoto, R., Rangel Gomez, M. G., Guerrero, R. M., Zapata Garibay, R., & Rosales, C. (2017). The Leaders Across Borders Certification Program A SYMLOG Analysis Approach to Measure Effective Leadership: A Case Study. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 2, p. 52). Frontiers. 2018 Bojorquez I., Rosales C., Angulo A., de Zapien J., Denman C. & Madanat H., International migration and dietary change in Mexican women from a social practice framework, Appetite (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.01.024. 2018 Sabo S, Denman Champion C, Bell ML, Cornejo EV, Ingram M, Valencia C, Castro Vasquez MC, Gonzalez-Fagoaga E, de Zapien, JG, Rosales CB. Meta Salud Diabetes study protocol: a cluster-randomised trial to reduce cardiovascular risk among a diabetic population of Mexico. BMJ Open 2018; 8:e020762. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020762 2018 Licona-Enriquez Jesus David, Delgado-de la Mora Jesus, Paddock Christopher D, Rosales Cecilia, Candia-Plata Maria del Carmen, Alvarez-Hernandez Gerardo. Mortality in Pertussis, a retrospective study in a pediatric hospital in Sonora, Mexico. Boletín Clínico Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora; 2018; 35(1) 2018 López-Gálvez, N*., Wagoner, R.*, Beamer, P., de Zapien, J., & Rosales, C. (2018). Migrant Farmworkers’ Exposure to Pesticides in Sonora, Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), 2651. 2018 Carvajal, S. C., Huang, S., Bell, M. L., Denman, C., Guernsey de Zapien, J., Cornejo, E., ... & Rosales, C. (2018). Behavioral and subjective health changes in US and Mexico border residing participants in two promotora-led chronic disease preventive interventions. Health Education Research. 2019 Hakim, I. A., White, B., Hamdy, H., Taren, D., Rosales, C., & Dake, M. (2019). The Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the Transformation of Global Public Health Education. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Global Health Care Conference. 2019 Michelle Sandoval-Rosario, Omar A. Contreras*, Carla Mercado, Kamil E. Barbour, Timothy Cunningham, Cecilia B. Rosales. (2019). The Association Between Depression and Diabetes and Associated Risk Factors by Racial/Ethnic Status among Adults in Arizona: Arizona Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2014-2016. Journal of Diversity & Equality in Health and Care 2019 Chartrand HZ*, Rosales CB, MacKinnon NJ (2019) Understanding of Care Coordination by Healthcare Providers and Staff at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Qualitative Analysis. J Community Med Public Health Care 6: 041. 2019 Rangel Gomez, M. G., López Jaramillo, A. M., Svarch, A., Tonda, J., Lara, J., Anderson, E. J.*, & Rosales, C. B. (2019). Together for Health: an initiative to access health services for the Hispanic/Mexican population living in the United States. Frontiers in public health, 7, 273. 2019 Ingram, M., Denman, C. A., Cornejo Vucovich, E., Castro Vasquez, C., Aceves, B*., Garcia Ocejo, A*., ... & Rosales, C. B. (2019). The Meta Salud Diabetes implementation study: Qualitative methods to assess integration of a health promotion intervention into primary care to reduce CVD risk among an underserved population with diabetes in Sonora, Mexico. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 347. 2020 Sánchez Navarro, E., Espinosa García, G., Cornejo Vucovich, E., Denman, C.A., Castro Vásquez, M.C. y Rosales, C.B. La capacitación de Meta Salud Diabetes: propuestas transformadoras para el desarrollo profesional del personal de salud. May 2021. Enfermería Universitaria. 2020 Ilori TO, Viera E, Wilson J, Moreno F, Menon U, Ehiri J, Peterson R, Vemulapalli T, StimsonRiahi SC, Rosales C, Calhoun E. Approach to high volume enrollment in clinical research: Experiences from an allofus® research program site. Clinical and translational science. 2020 Jan 31. 2020 Lott, Breanne E., Babasola O. Okusanya, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Nidal A. Kram, Melina Rodriguez, Cynthia A. Thomson, Cecilia Rosales, and John E. Ehiri. "Interventions to increase uptake of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in minority populations: A systematic review." Preventive medicine reports (2020): 101163. 2020 Aceves, B., Ingram, M., Nieto, C., de Zapien, J. G., & Rosales, C. (2020). Non-communicable disease prevention in Mexico: policies, programs and regulations. Health Promotion International, 35(2), 409-421. 2020 Okusanya, B., Asaolu, I. O., Ehiri, J. E., Kimaru, L. J., Okechukwu, A., & Rosales, C. (2020). Medical cannabis for the reduction of opioid dosage in the treatment of non-cancer chronic pain: A systematic review. 2020 López-Gálvez, N., Wagoner, R., Canales, R. A., de Zapien, J., Calafat, A. M., Ospina, M., Rosales, C. & Beamer, P. (2020). Evaluating imidacloprid exposure among grape field male workers using biological and environmental assessment tools: An exploratory study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 230, 113625. 2021 Alaofè, H., Hounkpatin, W. A., Djrolo, F., Ehiri, J., & Rosales, C. (2021). Knowledge, attitude, practice and associated factors among patients with type 2 diabetes in Cotonou, Southern Benin. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-11. 2021 Alaofè, H., Yeo, S., Okechukwu, A., Magrath, P., Amoussa Hounkpatin, W., Ehiri, J., & Rosales, C. (2021). Cultural Considerations for the Adaptation of a Diabetes Self-Management Education Program in Cotonou, Benin: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8376. 2021 Flynn, M. A., Rodriguez Lainz, A., Lara, J., Rosales, C., Feldstein, F., Dominguez, K., ... & Rangel Gómez, M. G. (2021). An Innovative United States–Mexico Community Outreach Initiative for Hispanic and Latino People in the United States: A Collaborative Public Health Network. Public Health Reports, 0033354920972699. 2021 Aceves, B., Ruiz, M., Ingram, M., Denman, C., Garcia, D. O., Madhivanan, P., & Rosales, C. (2021). Mental health and diabetes self-management: assessing stakeholder perspectives from health centers in Northern Mexico. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-8. 2021 Rosales, C. B., Denman, C. A., Bell, M. L., Cornejo, E., Ingram, M., del Carmen Castro Vásquez, M., ... & Guernsey de Zapien, J. (2021). Meta Salud Diabetes for cardiovascular disease prevention in Mexico: a cluster-randomized behavioural clinical trial. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2021 Aceves, B., Lopez-Galvez, N., Rangel, G., Gonzalez-Fagoaga, E., Zapata-Garibay, R., & Rosales, C. (2021). Virtual Seminar on Coronavirus 2019 for the US-Mexico Border Region: Building Opportunities for Communication and Collaboration. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1-4. 2021 Aceves, B., Denman, C. A., Ingram, M., Torres, J. F., Nuño, T., Garcia, D., ... & Rosales, C. B. (2021). Testing scalability of a diabetes self-management intervention in Northern Mexico: An ecological approach. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1015. 2021 López-Gálvez, Nicolás, Rietta Wagoner, Robert A. Canales, Kacey Ernst, Jefferey L. Burgess, Jill de Zapien, Cecilia Rosales, and Paloma Beamer. "Longitudinal assessment of kidney function in migrant farm workers." Environmental Research (2021): 111686. Under Review 2021 Cornejo, E.C., Denman, C.A., Ingram, M., De Zapien, J.G., Rosales, C.B. Design and theoretical basis of Meta Salud Diabetes, a secondary-prevention program for diabetes self-help groups in Mexico. Health Education Journal. 2021 Asaolu, I. O., Oluwatomi B. Ehiri, J. E., & Rosales, C. Medical Marijuana as a substitute for Opioids in Chronic, Non-Cancer Pain Management: A Systematic Review; Frontiers Journal 2021 Sabo S, Carvajal S, Rothers J, de Zapien J, Teufel Shone N, McClelland J, Redondo F, Rubio-Goldsmith R, Ehiri J, Rosales C. Mental Health Impact of Immigration Mistreatment and Ethno Racial Profiling Among Arizona Border Residents. American Journal of Public Health. (Resubmission in Progress) 2021 Sabo S, de Zapien J, Teufel-Shone N, Rosales C. Learning, and Teaching Structural Determinants of Health of the US-Mexico Border Region: A Service-Learning Approach. Journal of Higher Education, Outreach, and Engagement. (Revision in Progress) |
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English |
- MD
- MS