
1295 N. Martin Ave
Drachman Hall
PO Box: 245163
Tucson, AZ 85724-5163
Dr. Leslie V. Farland, ScD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona.
She has training in biology (AB; University of Chicago) and reproductive epidemiology (MSc, ScD; Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health). Prior to joining the faculty, she was an Instructor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Harvard Medical School and in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and served as the Director of Epidemiologic Research at the Center for Infertility and Reproductive Surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Her research program focuses broadly on women’s health and can be categorized into three major themes: i) the intersection between women’s reproductive health and chronic disease risk, ii) etiology and risk factors for endometriosis, infertility, and polycystic ovary syndrome, iii) disparities in access to infertility care and fertility treatment utilization.
- AB, The University of Chicago
- MSc, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- ScD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Farland LV, Missmer SA, Rich-Edwards J, Chavarro J, Barbieri R, Grodstein F. Use of fertility treatment modalities in a large United States cohort of professional women. Fertil Steril 2014 June; 101(6):1705-10. [PMID: 24746739]
- Kvaskoff M, Mu F, Terry KL, Harris HR, Poole EM, Farland LV, Missmer SA. Endometriosis: a high-risk population for major chronic diseases? Hum Reprod Update 2015 Jul-Aug; 21(4):500-16. [PMID: 25765863]
- Farland LV, Grodstein F, Srouji SS, Forman JP, Rich-Edwards J, Chavarro JE, Missmer SA. Infertility, fertility treatment, and risk of hypertension. Fertil Steril 2015 Aug; 104(2):391-7. [PMID: 26049054]
- Carter EB*, Stuart JJ*, Farland LV, Rich-Edwards JW, Zera CA, McElrath TF, Seely EW. Pregnancy complications as markers for subsequent maternal cardiovascular disease: validation of a maternal recall questionnaire. J Womens Health 2015 Sep; 24(9):702-12. [PMID:26061196]
- Farland LV, Collier A, Correia K, Grodstein F, Chavarro J, Rich-Edwards J, Missmer SA. Who receives a medical evaluation for infertility in the United States? Fertil Steril 2016 May; 105(5):1274-80. [PMID: 26785253]
- Prescott J, Farland LV, Tobias DK, Gaskins AJ, Spiegelman D, Chavarro JE, Rich-Edwards JW, Barbieri RL, Missmer SA. A prospective cohort study of endometriosis and subsequent risk of infertility. Hum Reprod 2016 Jul;31(7):1475-82. [PMID: 27141041]
- Chavarro JE, Rich-Edwards JW, Gaskins AJ, Farland LV, Terry KL, Zhang C, Missmer SA. Contributions of the Nurses’ Health Studies to reproductive health research. Am J Public Health 2016 Sep;106(9):1669-76. [PMID: 27459445]
- Lewis EI, Misser SA, Farland LV, Ginsburg ES. Public support for elective oocyte cryopreservation. Fertil Steril 2016 Oct;106(5):1183-1189. [PMID: 27473351]
- Farland LV, Tamimi RM, Eliassen AH, Spiegelman D, Bertrand KA, Missmer SA. Endometriosis and mammographic density measurements in the Nurses’ Health Study II. Cancer Causes and Control 2016 Oct;27(10):1229-37. [PMID: 27549771]
- Farland LV, Tamimi RM, Eliassen AH, Spiegelman D, Collins L, Schnitt S, Missmer SA. A prospective study of endometriosis and risk of benign breast disease. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2016 Oct;159(3):545-52. [PMID:27604359]
- Farland LV, Tamimi RM, Eliassen AH, Spiegelman D, Hankinson SE, Chen WY, Missmer SA. The relationship between laparoscopically confirmed endometriosis and breast cancer in the Nurses’ Health Study II. Obstet Gynecol 2016 Nov; 128(5):1025-1031. [PMID: 27741204]
- Lee MS, Farland LV, Missmer SA, Ginsburg ES. Limitations on compensation of gamete donors: a public opinion survey. Fertil Steril 2017 Jun; 107(6):1355-1363. [PMID:28390693]
- Farland LV, Missmer SA, Bijon A, Gusto G, Gelot A, Clavel-Chapelon F, Mesrine S, Boutron-Ruault MC, Kvaskoff M. Associations among body size across the life course, adult height, and endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2017 Aug 1;32(8):1732-1742. [PMID: 28591798]
- Farland LV, Lorrain S, Misser SA, Dartios L, Cervenka I, Savoye I, Mesrine S, Boutron-Ruault MC, Kvaskoff M. Endometriosis and risk of skin cancer a prospective cohort study. Cancer Causes Control. 2017 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print]. [PMID:28799019]
- Farland LV, Eliassen AH, Tamimi RM, Spiegelman D, Michels K, Missmer SA. History of breast feeding and risk of incident endometriosis: prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2017. Aug 29;358:j3778. [PMID:28851765]
- Goldman RH, Kaser DJ, Missmer SA, Farland LV, Scout S, Ashby RK, Ginsburg ES. Fertility treatment in the transgender community: a public opinion study. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Nov;34(11):1457-1467. [PMID: 28900753]
- Farland LV, Mu F, Eliassen AH, Hankinson SE, Tworoger SS, Barbieri RL, Dowsett M, Pollack MN, Missmer SA. Menstrual cycle characteristics and steroid hormone, prolactin, and growth factor levels in premenopausal women. Cancer Causes Control. 2017 Dec;28(12):1441-1452. [PMID: 29086892]
- Murugappan G, Farland LV, Missmer SA, Correia KF, Anchan RM, Ginsburg ES. Gestational carrier in assisted reproductive technology. Fertil Steril. 2018 Mar;109(3):420-428. [PMID: 29428314]
- Romanski PA, Carusi DA, Farland LV, Missmer SA, Kaser DJ, Walsh BW, Racowsky C, Brady PC. Perinatal and Peripartum Outcomes in Vanishing Twin Pregnancies Achieved by In Vitro Fertilization. Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Jun;131(6) 1011-1020[PubMed PMID: 29742658]
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