
Dr. Mohan Tanniru is the Adjunct Professor in the Division of Public Health Practice and Translational Research in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, U of Arizona, Tucson/Phoenix and a senior investigator in the Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, MI. He is also an emeritus professor of MIS of Oakland University. He taught at the U of Arizona, Oakland University, Syracuse U. and U of Wisconsin-Madison. He was the former Dean of the School of Business and the founding director of Applied Technology of Business Program at Oakland University, and the Dept. Head of MIS at U of Arizona. His research covers areas like knowledge/decision support, IT strategy and systems and service modeling and more recently in digital health and healthcare leadership and management.
He has published over 90 research articles and his work has appeared in journals such as ISR, MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, DSS, JMIS, IEEE Transactions in Eng. Management, Expert Systems and Applications, Information and Management, CACM, as well as Health Policy and Technology, J of Patient Satisfaction, J of Healthcare Management and J of Healthcare Administration. He worked with several hospitals like Beaumont Health Systems, Ascension/Providence, Henry Ford Health System and St Joseph Mercy Health System/Trinity all in Michigan, and many major business organizations such as GM, Chrysler, Ford, Compuware, HP/EDS, Honeywell, Intel, SAP and Raytheon among others.
Research Articles
Tanniru, M.R.; Woo, C.; Dutta, K. A (2023) Conceptual Model to Share Resources and Align Goals: Building Blockchain Application to Support Care Continuity Outside a Hospital. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 247.
Khuntia, J., T. Saldanha, A. Khaturia, M. Tanniru (2022) Digital service flexibility: a conceptual framework and roadmap for digital business transformation, European Journal of Information Systems, Sept 2022, 10.1080/0960085X.2022.2115410
Saini, V., M. Tanniru, TP Liang, E. Yoder, Y. Yang (2022) E-Relationship Through a Value Lens—Implications for Organizational Capability, e-Service Journal, Volume 14, Number 1, Fall 2022, pp. 1-31
Tanniru, Mohan R., Nimit Agarwal, Amanda Sokan, and Salim Hariri (2021) An Agile Digital Platform to Support Population Health—A Case Study of a Digital Platform to Support Patients with Delirium Using IoT, NLP, and AI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 11: 5686.
Tanniru, M. (2021) Transforming Public Health Using Value Lens and Extended Partner Networks, Learning Health Systems, Vol.5, Issue,
Scott K. Olehnik, Joseph A. Sanford, Obhijit D. Hazarika, Aniruddha Bhattacharyya, Mohan R. Tanniru, Mitchell H. Tsai, Stephen J. Kimatian, (2021) Fractals, fano planes, and perioperative teams: A narrative review, Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management, Volume 24, 100186, ISSN 2405-6030,
Jesús Peral, Eduardo Gallego, David Gil, Mohan Tanniru, Prashant Khambekar, 2020. Using Visualization to Build Transparency in a Healthcare Blockchain Application, Sustainability, MDPI, Open Access Journal, vol. 12(17), pages 1-20, August.
Tanniru, Mohan Rao and Robert Tanniru (2020) Designing and Adapting Services to Create Value Outside a Hospital Using Blockchain Architecture: Care Delivery in Patient Ecosystem, IJRDIS vol.2, no.1, pp.44-67.
Tsai MH, Kimatian SJ, Duguay JR, Tanniru MR, Sarraf E, Hudson ME (2020), Rethinking Operating Room Management: Why Clinical Directors Should Embrace Complexity. Anesth Analg, Sep;131(3):984-988.
Alexander Plum, Mohan Tanniru, Jiban Khuntia (2020) An innovation platform for diffusing public health practices across a global network, Health Policy and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 225-234
S. Lim, D. Kim, J. Khuntia, and M. Tanniru, (2020) A Continuous-Time Markov Chain Model-based Business Analytics Approach for Estimating Patient Transition States in an Online Health Infomediary, Decision Sciences, Vol. 51, Issue 1, February, 181-208.
Tanniru M. (2019). Engagement leading to empowerment - Digital Innovation Strategies for Patient Care Continuity, J Hosp Management and Health Policy. 3:28, October.
Chapters in a book
Tanniru, M., Digital Leadership and Community Strategies to Transform Population Health, Forthcoming in Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare, editors: Naomi Chambers, 2023.
Tanniru M., Niu J., Feng C., Duque C.G., Lu C., Krishnan H. (2021) Incentives to Engage Blockchain and Ecosystem Actors. In: Lemieux V.L., Feng C. (eds) Building Decentralized Trust. Springer, Cham.
Tanniru, M., Weiner, J. & Garfield M. (2021), St. Joseph Mercy Oakland (SJMO): Digital Leadership in Health Care: Case 3 (Part V) or Chapter 18 In Joseph Tan with Phillip Olla & Joshia Tan (eds) Adaptive Health Management Information Systems: Concepts, Cases, and Practical Applications, Fourth Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, 2021: 413-424.
Jones, J.S., Kazziha, S. & Tanniru, M. (2021), Physician Intervention in Reducing Readmissions & Telehealth Solution." Minicase (Part III) In Joseph Tan with Phillip Olla & Joshia Tan (eds) Adaptive Health Management Information Systems: Concepts, Cases, and Practical Applications, Fourth Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, 2021: 282-287.
Tanniru, M. and J. Peral (2021), Digital Leadership in Education, in Effective Leadership for Overcoming ICT Challenges in Higher Education: What Faculty, Staff and Administrators Can Do to Thrive Amidst the Chaos, 73–91, 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited
Tanniru M. (2020), Business Intelligence Enabling Digital Health Strategies, in Theory and Practice of Business Intelligence in Healthcare, Khuntia J, Ning X, Tanniru M (editors), Edition, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 68-87.
Tanniru M., M. Nawracki, D. Bobryk, and Sule, A. A, (2020) Data to Analytics to Insight – Role of rtDashboard at St Joseph Mercy Health in Theory and Practice of Business Intelligence in Healthcare, Khuntia J, Ning X, Tanniru M (editors), Edition, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 133-150.
Tanniru M. and M. Martz (2020), An Analysis of Health Intermediary and a Proposal to Sustain Public-Private Partnership- The Case of the Arizona Smokers’ Helpline (ASHLine) in Theory and Practice of Business Intelligence in Healthcare, Khuntia J, Ning X, Tanniru M (editors), Edition, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 185-199.
Tanniru, Mohan, (2020), Optimization of Provider Ecosystem Through Actor-Resource Integration in Handbook of Research on Optimizing Healthcare Management Techniques, edited by Nilmini Wickramasinghe, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 103-115. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1371-2.ch007
Tanniru, Mohan Rao, Y. Xi., K, Sandhu (2020) Leadership to Advance Innovation for Digital Healthcare Transformation in Leadership, Management, and Adoption Techniques for Digital Service Innovation, edited by Kamaljeet Sandhu, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 1-24. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2799-3.ch001
Fulbright Scholar, 2022 Fall, Research on Indigenous Health, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, CA
Project consultant on a two-year grant (21-23) to Project Healthy Community from Michigan Health Endowment Fund, Project title: Organizational Synergies Advancing Community Health ($100K)
Technology coordinator on a one-year grant (2019-20) to Global Health Initiative of Henry Ford Health System from Pfizer Foundation 2019 Global Health Innovation Grant; Project title: Developing The Global Learning in Antimicrobial Resistance (GLAMR) Platform ($100K)
Editor of Special Issues
Special issue, 2022, Client Centric View of Population Health in the Digital Age – Making Healthcare Personal, Frontiers in Public Health, co-editors: Mohan Tanniru, Anupam Sule, Asha Shajahan,
Special Issue, 2021, Applications of Internet of Things (IoT): Challenges and Opportunities, Sustainability, co-editors Prof David Gil, Jesus Peral and Mohan Tanniru
- PhD