
1133 E North Campus
John W. Harshbarger Building 105B
PO Box: 210011
Tucson, AZ 85721
University Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor of Public Health
Teaching Interests:
Teach integrated senior design and sustainability course for chemical engineers
Integrate information literacy, computational skills, teamwork, communication, and sustainability
into all core courses
To train students to approach sustainability assessment through quantifiable methods
Envirnmtl+Water Engr Lab
CE 370L (Spring 2019)
CHEE 370L (Spring 2019)
Environmental+Water Engr
CE 370R (Spring 2019)
CHEE 370R (Spring 2019)
CHEE 391 (Spring 2019)
Honors Independent Study
CHEE 499H (Spring 2019)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2019)
Elements of Chemical Eng
CHEE 202 (Spring 2019)
Independent Study
CHEE 299 (Spring 2019)
Heat Transfer+Fluid Flow
CHEE 203 (Spring 2019)
Chml+Physicl Equilibrium
CHEE 326 (Spring 2019)