
1703 E. Mabel St.
Pharmacy B307J
PO Box: 210202
Tucson, AZ 85721
Professor, Pharmacy Practice & Science
Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs/Assessment
Assistant Professor, Public Health
Track Director, Health & Pharmaceutical Outcomes Graduate Program
Terri L. Warholak, PhD, RPh is a Professor and Assistant Dean in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Tucson and serves as the director of the Research Team for the University of Arizona Medication Management Center and SinfoníaRx. She received her BS, MS, and PhD from Purdue University. From 1990 to 1997, Dr. Warholak served as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Public Health Service where her clinical pharmacy experience spanned from inpatient to community practice and included five years in the Indian Health Service and an assignment at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
In 2003, Dr. Warholak was recognized as the winner of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Council of Faculties Innovations in Teaching Competition for her work titled “Application of Quality Assurance Principles: Reducing Medication Errors in 30 Pharmacy Practice Settings.” Subsequently, the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) awarded Dr. Warholak and colleagues a grant to create the Educating Pharmacists in Quality (EPIQ) Program, which is available as open source educational materials on the PQA website.
She serves on many national committees including: the FDA Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee (DSaRM) since 2016; the US Pharmacopeial Convention Healthcare Quality Expert Committee since 2015; and the PQA Research Coordinating Committee. Her teaching and research interests include medication error reduction, health information technology, and measure development. She has participated in studies evaluating the quality of patient care, techniques for reducing medication errors, and served as Lead Researcher on the AHRQ funded project concerning e-prescribing. Dr. Warholak is involved in health information technology projects on the state and national levels including the Arizona Medicaid Transformation Grant. She has edited a book, published over 80 papers and has been invited to present at the local, state, and national levels.
Pharmacy Administration
PHSC 596E (Spring 2019)
Quality and Safety Lab
PHPR 863B (Spring 2019)
Research Project II
PHPR 896B (Spring 2019)
Writing a Research Proposal
PHPR 862 (Spring 2019)