Public Health Graduate Students Earn Scholarships, Awards, Recognition

May 9, 2014

The University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health recognizes the following of graduate students for their recent accomplishments. Congratulations to Charity Adusei, Megan Blain, Hong Chartrand, Christina Oré, Deanna Lewis and Rustin Reed.

Graduating May 2014  

Charity Adusei, a dual-degree MD/MPH student, was awarded a $2,750 scholarship from the College of Public Health Dean’s Circle of Excellence to support her internship this spring in West Africa. Adusei will study ownership and use of insecticide treated bed nets among pregnant women in an urban region of Ghana.

Charity Adusei  

Megan Blain won First Prize in the Master’s student poster competition at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America in Tucson in April. Her winning poster is based on her internship project, titled, “Evaluation of mosquito trap data and determining best measures for human disease prevention of West Nile Virus in Pinal County, Arizona.” Blain is an MPH student with a concentration in Epidemiology.

Megan Blain  

Hong Chartrand, MPA, MA, is the recipient of a $2,500 Go Red™ Multicultural Scholarship. A doctoral student in the health policy and management program, Chartrand is program manager at the Arizona Department of Health Services. The AHA awards 16 scholarships anually for multicultural women pursuing college or graduate school degrees in healthcare fields.

Hong Chartrand, MPA, MA  

Christina Oré, MPH, is the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the Programa de Investigacion de Migracion y Salud (PIMSA) for her dissertation research project titled, "Yaqui Health Development: An Indigenous Framework for Assessing Public Heath Capacity." PIMSA grants focus on  migration issues of Mexicans and Indigenous peoples. Oré is a DrPH student in public health policy and management. She received her MPH from the University of Arizona.  

Christina Oré, MPH  

DrPH student Deanna Lewis, PA-C, MBA, presented a TEDx RillitoRiver talk today about asset mapping, a conceptual framework to address community development and capacity building. She has been a physician assistant for the past 10 years and a third year doctoral student at the UA College of Public Health. Lewis is the first female firefighter in the history of the Tucson Fire Department and founder of the Dequenesh Community Clinic. She is a graduate of Stanford’s Primary Care Associate Program and her emphasis in health care is the medically under-served patient populations, with the goal of increasing access to health and wellness services. She has an MBA from the UA Eller School of Management.

Deanna Lewis, PA-C, MBA  

Rustin Reed, MPH, a doctoral student in the industrial hygiene program, received a $2,000 scholarship from the American Industrial Hygiene Foundation. Over the past 30 years, the AIHF has awarded more than 509 scholarships totaling more than $1.5 million to deserving students studying industrial hygiene. Applications are judged on the basis of academic record, extracurricular activities, and future goals as an industrial hygienist. Reed earned his MPH from the University of Arizona.

Rustin Reed, MPH  


By Kate Chisholm

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