2019 Public Health Poster Forum Speakers
Mabel Crescioni, JD, LLM, DrPH

Mabel Crescioni, JD, LLM, DrPH
Mabel Crescioni is currently Associate Director, Research at the Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA), and Instructor at the Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and a Professor of Practice at the James Rogers College of Law. Prior to joining HFA, Mabel was the Director of the Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Consortium and Assistant Director of the Patient-Reported Outcome Consortium at the Critical Path Institute. Following a post-doctoral fellowship at the UA College of Medicine’s Department of Ophthalmology, Mabel became an Assistant Professor at the college. In addition, she has served as consultant to state and tribal health departments, health centers, and other health-related non-profit organizations. After completing her BA in Communications at Rutgers University, Prior to joining the UA, she served as Health Policy Advisor to the Governor of Puerto Rico
Heather Carter, EdD

Heather Carter, EdD
Heather Carter, EdD is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and is a member of the Arizona State Senate representing District 15. Before serving in the State Senate, Heather was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives for 8 years, where she was Chairman of the Health Committee for 6 years and Vice Chairman two years prior. Currently, Heather serves as the Vice Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Chair of the Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee and member of the Appropriations Committee. Heather has a strong track record of sponsoring legislation that solves complex state issues, with a focus on health care and education policy. Heather has earned a distinctive reputation of working closely with her constituents to pass important and effective legislation.
Sydney Pettygrove, PhD

Sydney Pettygrove, PhD
Sydney Pettygrove, PhD, is an epidemiologist with expertise in the surveillance and epidemiology of birth defects and developmental disabilities, and environmental epidemiology. Dr. Pettygrove has been the epidemiologist for the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (ADDSP) since 2001 and has been the Principal Investigator of the program since 2008. She has also served as the epidemiologist for the Arizona Muscular Dystrophy Research and Surveillance Program (AMDSRP) and the Arizona Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Surveillance Network (AZ FASSNet).