46th Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference, Aug. 1-2

July 17, 2019

Health care issues relevant to rural and tribal communities is the focus of the 46th Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference Aug. 1-2 at the High Country Conference Center in Flagstaff, Arizona.

One of the longest running rural health conferences in the United States, the conference fosters collaboration, highlights statewide programs and projects, and provides networking opportunities for health care professionals, administrators, policymakers, county directors, state and local leaders, federal agencies and others. 

The conference is presented by the Arizona Center for Rural Health at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health in collaboration with the Arizona Rural Health Association. This year’s theme is the Five C’s of Rural Health in Arizona: care, capacity, connection, culture and collaboration. 

The Keynote Speaker Maria Fuentes, director of the Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family will present, “Addressing Trauma to Prevent Substance Use” on Thursday, Aug. 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Ed Heidig, Director of Region 9 of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will follow with the presentation, “Putting Our Rethinking Rural Health Strategy Into Action,” from 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. 

The presentation topics will include access to substance use, mental health and housing services in rural communities; community collaboration for opioid abuse prevention; recruiting and retaining health professionals in rural Arizona; and emergency preparedness.

The following pre-conference sessions will be held on Wednesday, July 31 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Drury Inn & Suites, 300 S. Milton Road, Flagstaff, Arizona: Effective Advocacy Strategies for Rural Health Policy in Arizona; Responding to Substance Use; Building a Diverse Workforce; and Rural Hospital Trustee Institute.

View and download the 2019 Arizona Rural Health Conference Agenda here.

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