New ‘One Health’ Funding for UArizona Students and Faculty
New funding opportunities for students and faculty across the university will promote One Health research.
With new state funding, the One Health Initiative at the University of Arizona Health Sciences now offers several funding opportunities for students and researchers. Under the leadership of Frank von Hippel, professor in the Zuckerman College of Public Health, the One Health Research Initiative works to build interdisciplinary research projects and expertise in One Health topics across the university. These new funding opportunities will help build our leadership in One Health research.
- One Health Pilot Grants
- One Health Funded Internships
- One Health Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs)
What is One Health?
The more we understand about human health, the more we see that it is deeply intertwined with the health of animals and the environment. This new field of research, called One Health, recognizes that the health of all living things is woven together as one. One Health research looks at human health in the context of these deep connections between people and the natural world.

One Health Funding Opportunities
Please visit the One Health Funding page on the Health Sciences website to see all of the current funding opportunities:
See all the current information about One Health funding opportunities >
For more information please contact Griselda Ruiz-Braun,
One Health Pilot Grants
The One Health Pilot Grants are sponsored by the University of Arizona's One Health Research Initiative and funded by the state of Arizona. The One Health Pilot award program will provide seed funds for Uarizona research teams to generate preliminary data that will make the teams competitive for major external awards, such as grants from the NIH, NSF, USDA, EPA, DoD, foundations, etc.
Deadline: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 by 5:00 pm AZ
Award Ceiling: $50,000. If the research team includes faculty from both a health sciences college (public health, pharmacy, nursing, medicine Tucson, or medicine Phoenix) and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), CALS may provide additional funds subject to their review of relevant proposals; these proposals may request any amount of match up to $50,000 per proposal, based on scientific justification and significance for research objectives of CALS. A total of $150,000 is available in match from CALS.
Award criteria include:
- Projects must have a One Health focus at the intersection of environmental health, human health, and animal health. The competition is open to projects that combine at least two of these three areas.
- Research teams must be comprised of faculty from at least two UA colleges, but the program is open to all faculty at UA.
- Applications are limited to two pages (at least 0.5 inch margins, 11 pt font minimum) except for references and budgetary details, which are supplemental documents.
- Proposals are limited to two pages and should include Specific Aims, Background and Significance, and Approach, or similar categories that clearly state the research objectives and approach. References and budget details should be uploaded as separate items. For the budget, use the template provided.
- PI and Co-Investigator(s) biosketches are limited to 5 pages maximum per NIH guidelines
- Funds may not be used for international travel.
- Applications will be judged primarily by the likelihood that the support will lead to a successful external award. Projects with direct benefits to the state of Arizona are preferred, but this is not a requirement.
- The peer review process of these proposals will be facilitated by RII. The One Health Advisory Committee will use the peer reviews to allocate awards.
NOTE: The RII Proposal Preparation Guide is attached for general applicant reference. The solicitation supersedes the PPG and applicants should direct any questions to Frank von Hippel.
Questions about the Science, contact: Professor Frank von Hippel,
Questions or Technical Issues with Arizona Cultivate, contact:

One Health Funded Internships
We are excited to announce that MEZCOPH has received generous funding to support students while conducting their internship projects. One Health internship projects focus on the intersection of the three pillars of human, animal, and environmental health. Funding decisions will be made based on project complexity, location of internship, and funding availability. Current students click here to complete a funding application. Prospective students make sure to check this page for funding opportunities once you are accepted! Graduate students can receive up to $3500 and undergraduate students can receive up to $2500 to support their time. All UArizona students are eligible to apply!
Here is the link:

One Health Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Opportunities
Fellowship Description: The University of Arizona's One Health Research Initiative is seeking applications for Graduate Research Assistantships. One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. Funding is available for approximately 5 Masters and 10 PhD students. These positions will begin in the fall semester of 2023. Appointments will be made for 1 calendar year with the possibility for a second year of funding. Awards will provide an annual stipend, allowance for tuition and fees, and health insurance. Please see below for reappointment requirements.
Eligibility: Trainees can be US citizens, residents, or holders of an F1 visa. The applicant’s mentor should be an active investigator in an area that fits the One Health mission. Projects must have a One Health focus and meet at least two of the following criteria: environmental health, human health, and/or animal health.
Deadline: Friday, Feb. 3, 2023 by 5:00 pm AZ
Required materials:
- Nomination from the Principal Investigator (PI) with information on funding available to the student and research project (no more than one page)
- A statement from the PI stating how the project fits with the One Health mission (no more than one page)
- Candidate’s CV
- Transcripts from graduate coursework
- Research Abstract written by the candidate (no more than one page)
Review Process: The One Health Advisory Committee will review the applications. The candidate will be selected based on achievement, fit of the research project with the One Health mission, and the potential for future success. The overall performance in coursework (e.g., graduate GPA above 3.5) will be taken into consideration during the selection process. In accordance with the University of Arizona’s commitment to inclusive excellence, PIs are encouraged to nominate candidates from diverse backgrounds, especially individuals historically underrepresented in STEM fields.
For questions, contact: Professor Frank von Hippel,
Email application in ONE PDF FILE to: