‘One Health’ Funding Now Available for UArizona Students and Faculty
New funding opportunities available to students and faculty across the University of Arizona will promote One Health research.
The One Health Initiative at the University of Arizona Health Sciences offers several funding opportunities for students and researchers with application deadlines in February 2024.
Under the leadership of Frank von Hippel, professor in the Zuckerman College of Public Health, the One Health Research Initiative works to build interdisciplinary research projects and expertise in One Health topics across the university. These new funding opportunities will help build our leadership in One Health research.
- One Health Pilot Grants for Research
- One Health Graduate Research Fellowships (GRFs)
What is One Health?
The more we understand about human health, the more we see that it is deeply intertwined with the health of animals and the environment. This new field of research, called One Health, recognizes that the health of all living things is woven together as one. One Health research looks at human health in the context of these deep connections between people and the natural world.

One Health Pilot Grants for Research
The One Health Pilot Grants are sponsored by the University of Arizona's One Health Research Initiative and funded by the state of Arizona. The One Health Pilot award program will provide seed funds for UArizona research teams to generate preliminary data that will make the teams competitive for major external awards, such as grants from the NIH, NSF, USDA, EPA, DoD, foundations, etc.
Deadline: Monday, February 26, 2024 by 5pm AZ
Award ceiling: $50,000.
Award criteria include:
- Projects must have a One Health focus at the intersection of environmental health, human health, and animal health. The competition is open to projects that combine at least two of these three areas and have a plan for future growth into all three areas. Proposals must explicitly state the overall One Health problem under study, and how the current objectives fit into the overall problem.
- Research teams must be comprised of faculty from at least two UA colleges, but the program is open to all faculty at UA.
- Previously funded projects under this grant mechanism are not eligible for renewal, but all investigators are encouraged to apply for new projects.
- A project description is limited to two pages (at least 0.5 inch margins, 11 pt font minimum) and should include Specific Aims, Background and Significance, and Approach, or similar categories that clearly state the research objectives and approach. References and budget details are provided as supplementary documents.
- NSF or NIH style biosketch for investigators; do not exceed 5 pages per investigator.
- Applications will be judged primarily by the likelihood that the support will lead to a successful external award. Projects with direct benefits to the state of Arizona are preferred, but this is not a requirement.
- The peer review process of these proposals will be facilitated by RII. A link to submit applications will be available several weeks before the deadline and provided at pilot grant opportunity. The One Health Advisory Committee will use the peer reviews to allocate awards.
Constraints on funding: No international travel.
For questions about the science, please contact Professor Frank von Hippel, frankvonhippel@arizona.edu
For questions about the grant process, please contact our One Health program manager Griselda Ruiz-Braun, grm1@arizona.edu

One Health Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) Opportunity
2024 Fellowship Description: The University of Arizona's One Health Research Initiative is seeking applications for Graduate Research Fellowships. One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnections among people, animals, and their shared environment (including ecosystems, and social and built environments). These positions will begin in the fall semester of 2024. Appointments will be made for one calendar year with the possibility of applying for a second year of funding; please see below for reappointment requirements. Awards will provide an annual stipend, allowance for tuition and fees, and health insurance. Projects must have a One Health focus at the intersection of environmental health, human health, and animal health. The competition is open to projects that combine at least two of these three areas and have a plan for future growth into all three areas. Proposals must explicitly state the overall One Health problem under study, and how the current objectives fit into the overall problem. The One Health Advisory Committee is available to help students needing assistance with fitting their research objectives into the One Health framework. To request assistance, please contact Griselda Ruiz-Braun at grm1@arizona.edu at least four weeks prior to the submission deadline.
Eligibility: Applicants can be US citizens, residents, or holders of an F1 visa. Applicant must be a full-time student in a University of Arizona graduate program.
Required materials:
- Nomination from the principal investigator with information on: 1) Why this student is an ideal candidate for a fellowship, 2) What funding is available to the student and their research project, and 3) How the project fits with the One Health mission (no more than two pages).
- Candidate’s CV including GPA in graduate coursework.
- Research plan written by the candidate outlining the One Health research that the student proposes to pursue while on the fellowship (no more than one page).
- A statement outlining the student’s experience and training to perform the research (no more than one page).
- For students applying for a renewal of funding, a statement on achievements during the first year of funding (no more than one page).
Deadline: Monday, Feb. 12, 2024 by 5:00 pm AZ
Review Process: The One Health Advisory Committee will review the applications. The candidate will be selected based on achievement, potential impact of the proposed research, fit of the research project with the One Health mission, and the potential for future success. In accordance with the University of Arizona’s commitment to inclusive excellence, principal investigators are encouraged to nominate candidates from diverse backgrounds, especially individuals historically underrepresented in STEM fields.
For questions, contact Professor Frank von Hippel, frankvonhippel@arizona.edu
Email application in ONE PDF file to: grm1@arizona.edu