Declaring the Public Health Major

Process for current ua Undergraduate students

Declaring a Major with the College of Public Health

Please Note: Both the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Wellness and Health Promotion Practice and the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Public Health have an Advanced Standing requirement for students to complete the degree.

According to an article in Forbes as of June 2024, Rachel Wells writes that a Bachelor's Degree in Public Health/Health Education/Healthcare Administration "can secure high-paying and fulfilling roles that give back to the community". The average salary of a Health Educator was $61,475 with top 10% of earners making $75,739. Medical Practice Managers had an average salary of $145,171 with the top 10% earning $170,889. This is an exciting time to enter into the field of public health and we look forward to helping you achieve your career goals.

Students interested in adding a major in public health and/or meeting with a public health academic advisor should take the following action:

1. Meet the 2.000 GPA requirement

This is a firm requirement for the change into public health.

2. Watch the Information Session Video

(available with closed captioning, select this on the rigth side of your screen once the presentation is open)

4. Email Your Completed Documents

Send your completed information sheet and curriculum guide to


Upon submission of the change of major forms, please allow up to five business days for your major to be changed and to receive email confirmation. Changes into Public Health will not take place during priority registration. If you submit your change request by October 25th for fall and April 22nd for spring, your major will be changed before priority registration opens. If your request is received after those dates, your major change will not be processed until after priority registration. 
*Please be aware that your advisor may return the forms to you to be re-done if they are not completed thoroughly or contain errors.