Safer Bars: A Cluster-Randomized Effectiveness Evaluation of Alcohol-related Sexual Violence through Bar Staff Bystander Training

This project is a randomized control trial of the Safer Bars Program at three major universities in Arizona and trains liquor serving staff to intervene in situations that could be precursors to sexual assault.  Researchers look at individual level outcomes in servers that are using these intervention strategies, peer-level changes in feeling supported to intervene, bar level changes to create a less rape-supportive environment, and community change through police calls for sexual assault within a one-mile radius of each campus of these universities. The goal is to evaluate the Arizona Safer Bars Alliance bystander sexual assault prevention program designed for liquor serving the staff of bars surrounding three Arizona Universities (UA, ASU, NAU). This project was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 
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Mary Koss