Fulbright-Schuman European Union Affairs Program

Fire and Emergency Services (EMs) departments have marked variation in injury rates based on national and local policies, training, and traditions.  International partnerships and comparative studies therefore provide ideal mechanisms to identify cost-effective safety and health interventions.  The major goal of this project was to conduct international policy-related research on safety and health programs for fire/EMS. The host institutions included the London Fire Brigade (LFB) in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Paris West suburb division of the Service d’Aide Médicale Urgente/Service Mobile d’Urgence et Reanimation and the Service de Santé et de Secours Médical Haute-Corse du Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours in France. The study had to major focuses. The first was to evaluate the frequency and distribution of firefighter injuries and illnesses over the last 10 years in the UK and French partners and assess how specific previously implemented safety and health interventions changed injury and illness patterns and costs. None of the data collected in this evaluation included personal identifiers.The second was for this evaluation to lead to the formation of a roadmap for future EU and US fire/EMS safety and health policy and program development. This project was done within a six-month sabbatical and was sponsored by the Fulbright-Schuman grant program. 
Start Year
End Year
Jeff Burgess