COPH Research Area
Many communities are not adequately prepared because there are too many information stores in communities and a related lack of essential collaborative preparation. The goal of this project was to improve community preparedness and response activities through sharing lessons learned, identifying and documenting best practices, and fostering national collaboration to strengthen community resiliency to reduce injury-related morbidity and mortality in public health emergencies. To achieve this goal, we created a Consensus Report by identifying issues in planning for and responding to disasters through input from national and federal partners. A Strategic Plan was also created to document lessons learned through qualitative methods to engage all member of communities. Six Proposal Requests were written to learn what made one community successful and how this success could be spread to other communities. Finally, Three after-action reports were generated to develop and pilot and exercise package in relation to inclusive planning moving forward. All these efforts were focused on improving the public health response of communities in order prevent mass injuries and casualties. This project was sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Start Year
End Year
Jeff Burgess