Eric A Betterton


University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Eric Betterton

JW Harshbarger Building #11 Room 122A
PO Box: 210081
Tucson, AZ 85721

Department Head, Hydrology / Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Hydrology / Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Director, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Professor, Public Health
Professor, Global Change - GIDP

Distinguished Professor and Department Head, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences.  Joint Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Joint Professor, College of Public Health, and Director, Institute of Atmospheric Physics.

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, I studied chemistry in South Africa, and environmental science at Caltech.   Along the way, I worked in the platinum mining industry, and in cement and lime manufacturing.  I joined the University of Arizona in 1988.

I teach a large introductory course in weather and climate, and smaller, more advanced courses in atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, and atmospheric particulate matter (dust and aerosols)

Fndmtls of Atmo Sciences
ATMO 436A (Spring 2019)
Fndmtls of Atmo Sciences
ATMO 536A (Spring 2019)
Fndmtls of Atmo Sciences
HWRS 536A (Spring 2019)


  • PhD