Many Reconnect at the APHA 2023 Annual Meeting in Atlanta
Alumni, students, faculty and staff all came together to share stories, reminisce, and reconnect at the college’s reception during the APHA’s 2023 annual meeting in Atlanta.
This year, the American Public Health Association (APHA) held its 2023 annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia where thousands of public health professionals from all over the world gathered to share their stories and strategies. Among them many MEZCOPH students, staff, and faculty attended to give presentations and network. The college hosted a booth in the main expo hall that attracted hundreds of visitors. In addition, the college’s alumni reception at the Glenn Hotel SkyLounge was a great success, with many alumni and supporters in attendance alongside students, staff, and faculty. Everyone was delighted to reconnect and reminisce. Thanks to everyone who joined us!

Faculty, alumni, and friends gather including Dean Hakim, and the Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Dr. John Ehiri with alumnae Ada Dieke DrPH '11, MPH '07, BS '02, and Emily Harris MPH '19

Dean Hakim and Manager, Alumni Engagement & Events, Amber Richmond MA, with alumna Kelli Donley Williams MPH '04

Alumnae and friends networking including Carmenlita Chief MPH '15 and Amanda Hunter PhD '20, MPH '16, BSHS '12

Graduates of the college and colleagues met up during alumni reception including Kimberly Wang MPH '19, BS '16 and Emily Harris MPH '19

Dean Hakim with former student Ashley Wennerstrom PhD, MPH '07

The reception brought together Dean Hakim and alumnus, Preshit Ambade DrPH '20