UArizona Students on the Health Promotion Ambassadors Team Will Support Safe Reentry to Campus
Students in the Health Promotion Ambassadors (HPA) program will help guide their fellow students across campus through the UArizona Reentry Plan and the 3T’s (Test, Trace, Treat) strategy. The Ambassadors will learn about the safety guidelines, the components of the 3T’s strategy, and how all the pieces fit together so they can support students across campus and answer questions during the Reentry process. Additionally, a series of Training Modules for the HPA program will be available on the Western Region Public Health Training Center website.
UArizona Health Promotion Ambassadors
The UArizona Health Promotion Ambassadors training provides an overview of the Test, Trace, Treat (3T's) strategy developed by UArionza experts for a safe return to campus in Fall 2020. Based on the training, student ambassadors will be able to communicate the “how” and “why” of those guidelines to other students and answer related questions. The HPAs will use their knowledge to inspire a “culture of health promotion” that models expected behaviors to include social distancing, mask-wearing, testing, and wellness self-reporting, all the practices that will keep the UArizona Reentry process as safe as possible.
Watch the Test, Trace, Treat strategy training video (14mins)
Students can also apply to join the COVID Ambassadors Team (CAT) program. Under the leadership of Julie Katsel, Senior Director, Local and Community Government Relations, the COVID Ambassador Team employs students to promote healthy behaviors on campus. The Team of paid student ambassadors are deployed in high traffic areas, both on campus and near campus, to positively encourage students to Mask Up and Bear Down. These CAT students pass out masks to campus visitors, provide information, and answer questions while reminding everyone about our public health guidelines in order to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The CAT students have no direct role in assuring compliance with the University’s face covering directive or the City’s face covering ordinance, and will be instructed to avoid confrontation. For more information contact Julie Katsel:
Do Your Part Campus Reentry Video:
Classroom Expectations Video:
MISSION – We Keep Each Other Healthy
The success of the UArizona Reentry Plan for Fall 2020 depends on students. If students follow the guidelines for Reentry (get tested, social distance, wear face coverings, download the Covid Watch Arizona app, participate in the Wildcat WellCheck system) then we can significantly reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection outbreaks.
To accomplish that goal, we need to inspire a “culture of health promotion” among students, a feeling of responsibility for the health of their fellow students and the whole university community. The best way to build that culture is through students communicating to students –peer to peer engagement. That is the pivotal role of the students who volunteer for the Health Promotion Ambassadors program. They will have the knowledge, they will understand the stakes, they will be able to engage their fellow students and elevate responsible behavior. Mask Up Arizona!
Health Promotion Ambassador Training
There are several resources for the Health Promotion Ambassador training. In order of priority, the trainings include:
1) The Test, Trace, Treat Orientation Training for a Safe Return
2) The Ambassadors Model Training
3) The Contact Tracing Program Training series
All three trainings are valuable. The basic Test, Trace, Treat Orientation is the most important for all Health Promotion Ambassadors and should be the first priority because it provides a foundational understanding of the specific UArizona Reentry Plan and how all the pieces of Test, Trace, Treat fit together to keep us safe. The Ambassadors Model training will help students understand the value of the Ambassador approach generally. And the Contact Tracing Program series of seven training modules will provide a more comprehensive understanding of COVID-19 prevention methods, Contact Tracing implementation, and the social and political ramifications of the pandemic.
You can watch a video of an Ambassador Orientation Zoom Meeting that introduces all three training resources here:
We hope you will become an Ambassador, and help the UArizona return safely to campus. Thank you for your time, attention, and compassion!
Orientation Training for UArizona 3T’s Reentry Plan: Why Test, Trace, Treat?
The 3T’s strategy is designed to quickly identify people in the campus community who are infected, provide the healthcare they need, alert those who may have been exposed to the infected person, and prevent the infected person from infecting others.
Health Promotion Ambassadors must understand the “how” and “why” of the Test, Trace, Treat (3T’s) strategy for the return to campus, and they must learn how all the components of 3T’s work together, so they can provide guidance and answer questions from their fellow students.
This basic Test, Trace, Treat strategy orientation is the foundational training:
Watch the Test, Trace, Treat strategy training video (14mins)
Download the Orientation Training for 3T’s Reentry Plan PowerPoint slide deck
The Ambassador Model for Public Health Promotion
This orientation training called The Student Ambassador Model: Crushing COVID-19 Through Peer Education, is designed to give an overview of the student Ambassadors model for health promotion, and how the model works on a college campus to promote healthy behaviors and slow the spread of COVID-19. This training is hosted on the Western Region Public Health Training Center (WRPHTC) website. Students will need to create a “Moodle” account on the WRPHTC site to access this Ambassador Model training. Creating a Moodle account is quick and easy. Then students will need to enter the Enrollment Key below.
Video guide to get started on Moodle:
Direct link to Ambassador Model training:
Enrollment Key: MEZCOPH_Ambassadors
Contact Tracing Program Training Modules
In addition to the basic training on the UArizona “Test, Trace, Treat” strategy and the “Ambassdor Model” orientation training, the Health Promotion Ambassadors program offers this series of seven Training Modules developed by faculty and students at COPH to train Contact Tracers. These “Contact Tracing Program” training modules provide a more comprehensive education for Ambassadors around COVID-19 prevention and the advantages of Contact Tracing to stop the spread of the virus. The Training Modules can be accessed through the Western Region Public Health Training Center (WRPHTC) which is part of COPH. The WRPHTC has extensive experience with online Training Modules as part of its public health mission.
Seven modules have been created on different topics: 1) Contact Tracing 2) Economics of COVID-19 3) COVID-19 Epidemiology 4) Incident Command System at UArizona 5) Interviewing Techniques, 6) Medical Electronic Disease Surveillance Intelligence System, and 7) Politics of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Users who complete all seven training modules will receive a “Certificate of Achievement” from WRPHTC and have a substantial understanding of pandemic response.
To take the Contact Tracing Program training modules, Ambassadors will need to set up an account with Moodle at:
Here is the video guide to get started on Moodle:
The COVID Ambassadors Team, Student Employment Opportunity
Under the leadership of Julie Katsel, Senior Director, Local and Community Government Relations, the COVID Ambassador Team will employ students to promote healthy behaviors on campus. The Team of paid student ambassadors will be deployed in high traffic areas, both on campus and near campus, to positively encourage students to Bear Down and Mask Up. These students will be responsible for passing out masks to campus visitors, providing information, and simply welcoming people while reminding the campus community about our public health guidelines to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. These students have no direct role in assuring compliance with the University’s face covering directive or the City’s face covering ordinance, and will be instructed to avoid confrontation.
For more information contact Julie Katsel:
Quick UArizona Reentry Links for Ambassadors
Campus Health:
UArizona Mask (Face Coverings) Guidelines Page:
UArizona Test, Trace, Treat Page:
UArizona COVID-19 Testing Page:
UArizona Traditional Contact Tracing Page:
Housing and Residence Life:
Counseling and Psych Services (CAPS)