2012 Arizona Rural & Public Health Policy Forum, Jan. 19th in Phoenix
Jan. 6, 2012
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Thursday, January 19, 2012
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Arizona State Capitol
1700 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007
The Arizona Rural & Public Health Policy Forum is Jan. 19, 2012 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. in the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix. The annual forum focuses on key health policy issues and their impact on Arizona’s rural and tribal communities.
The event is presented by the Center for Rural Health at the University of Arizona’s Mel Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health in close collaboration with the Arizona Rural Health Association and the Arizona Public Health Association.
Preview of topics and speakers...
- "Health Insurance Exchange" - Don Hughes, Policy Advisor for Health Care and Executive Director for the Arizona Health Insurance Exchange for the Office of the Governor Janice K. Brewer
- "Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Program" - Kaihe Akahane, Health Insurance Specialist, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- "Health Information Exchange" - Lorie Mayer, State Health Information Technology Coordinator, Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology (ASET) and Melissa Rutala, CEO, Arizona Health-e Connection
- "The State of States" - Joshua Ewing, Policy Associate with the Health Program of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). Mr. Ewing will provide background on how states are addressing health policy given the current economic climate and the ACA, and tips on how forum attendees can work with Arizona State Legislators around addressing rural and public health issues.
- "The State of American Indian Health Care" - Fred Hubbard, Executive Director, Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care and President, Arizona Rural Health Association. Mr. Hubbard will give an update on changes the ACA is having on the Re-authorization of the American Indian Improvement Act and the impacts it will have on some of their activities.
- "The State of Public Health" - Bob England, MD, Director, Maricopa County Department of Public Health
- "Kids Care, AHCCCS Enrollment and Options, and Health Insurance Exchanges" - Matt Jewett, Director of Health Policy, Children’s Action Alliance Health Insurance for
- "Childless Adults" - Tara McCollum Plese, Director of Government and Media Relations, Arizona Association of Community Health Centers
- "Don’t Get Dropped Campaign" - Pete Wertheim, VP, Strategic Communications, Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association. This presentation will discuss the steps being taken to assist those left without health insurance and the threat that exists to eliminate insurance for kids.
For a copy of the updated Agenda, visit the Center for Rural Health website. For more information contact Rebecca Ruiz at (520) 626-2243.