Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the Public Health Research Poster Forum for 2025.
Deadlines: Priority Submission: Friday, February 14, 2025, by 5:00 PM MST Final Submission: Friday, February 21, 2025, by 5:00 PM MST
We will announce the accepted abstract on Friday, March 7, 2025, by 5:00 PM MST. Presenters may submit more than one abstract for review. Presenting author may submit abstracts to one of two categories:
This category applies to work that has a clearly defined objective, measurable outcome and a public health application. Abstracts in this category may represent, but are not limited to:
This category applies to presenters whose work describes the collaboration with the community (i.e., local, regional, national, global) towards the beneficial exchange and production of knowledge and resources. Examples of appropriate activities include but are not limited to:
Please consider the following abstract criteria carefully.
Note: All abstracts should be organized, clear, concise, well-written, and 250 words count max.
Note: All abstracts should be organized, clear, concise, well-written, and 250 words count max
To proceed with the abstract submission, please first confirm that you have permission to present and share the findings of your research or project from the community partners or organizations involved, persons or organizations that have ownership of the data used, and/or other project collaborators. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact us at
If more than one person is planning to co-present this abstract, please provide the personal information of the lead presenter or the presenter who will act as the main contact with the PHPF planning Committee.
Before submission, confirm that the abstract has been reviewed by an individual familiar with your research or project (i.e., faculty advisor, research partner or supervisor) that may provide constructive feedback.
For all questions or concerns regarding the abstract submission process, send an email to one of the following contacts: Public Health Poster Forum Official email ( or _________( For inquiries about overall Public Health Poster forum, please contact to __________ ( or ___________ (