Public Health Poster Forum Abstract Submission 2025

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the Public Health Research Poster Forum for 2025.

    Priority Submission: Friday, February 14, 2025, by 5:00 PM MST 
    Final Submission:  Friday, February 21, 2025, by 5:00 PM MST

We will announce the accepted abstract on Friday, March 7, 2025, by 5:00 PM MST. Presenters may submit more than one abstract for review. Presenting author may submit abstracts to one of two categories:

Original Research

This category applies to work that has a clearly defined objective, measurable outcome and a public health application. Abstracts in this category may represent, but are not limited to:

  • Original research, such as a unique or novel approach to a public health problem. Results or benefits may be conceptual.
  • Description of practical applications or findings
  • Community-based participatory research

Community Engagement, Practice & Service

This category applies to presenters whose work describes the collaboration with the community (i.e., local, regional, national, global) towards the beneficial exchange and production of knowledge and resources. Examples of appropriate activities include but are not limited to:

  • Community engaged teaching or service
  • Evaluation or assessment
  • Program development
  • Policy recommendations

Abstract Guidelines


 Please consider the following abstract criteria carefully.

  • Abstracts are welcome from all disciplines, as long as they relate to public health.
  • Before submission confirm that you have permission to present the findings of your research or project from the community partners or organizations involved, persons or organizations that have ownership of the data used, and/or other project collaborators.
  • Abstracts have to be submitted with a lead presenter and with the approval of a faculty advisor. Abstracts with a single author or without a faculty advisor will not be accepted.
  • If there are other authors or faculty overseeing this work, please include them as other authors.
  • You may submit in the abstract in research poster or community engagement category.
  • Title must be maximum of 10 words.
  • Abstract should be maximum of 250 words.
  • Abstract must contain the specified sections and section headings, described below. Abstracts with missing sections or section headings will not be accepted.
  • Abstract should be organized, clear, concise, well-written.

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Research Poster Category

  • Title
    • Maximum of 10 words.
  • Abstract
    • Must have the following sections and headings. Unstructured abstracts will not be accepted.
  • Background
    • Brief background description
      • 1-2 sentences
    • May include:
      • Rationale for research question
      • Current literature, but no references
      • The setting or population for your research
      • How this research addresses a public health question
    • Objectives
      • Objectives or hypotheses of the study
        • 1-2 sentences
    • Methods/Activities
      • Describe your work
      • May also include…
        • Sampling procedure and rationale
        • Measurements and instruments used
        • External validity addressed (generalizability), internal validity and reliability of the measurement instrument
        • Efforts to eliminate bias
        • Statistical Analysis
    • Results/Outcomes/Products
      • What are your research findings?
    • Conclusion/Discussion/Significance of this research
      • What is the main finding of your research?
      • How do your findings fit in the previous literature?  Do they agree or disagree with existing literature?
      • What new information does this study add to the existing scientific literature?
      • How your research finding affect to the present public health?

Note: All abstracts should be organized, clear, concise, well-written, and 250 words count max.

Community Engagement Category

  • Title
    • Maximum of 10 words.
  • Abstract (please describe the following)
    • Must have the following sections and headings. Unstructured abstracts will not be accepted.
  • Partner/Setting
    • The setting and community partner(s) you engaged with in your activity
    • Which section of the population will this activity benefit?
    • What public health issue were you addressing? 
    • What was the goal of the activity?
  • Methods/Activities
    • What was the activity?
    • How did you accomplish your goal?
  • Engagement
    • What were the community engagement activities (collaboration/consultation/communication) involved in the project?
  • Outcomes/Products
    • What did you accomplish through engagement with community partners?
  • Conclusion/discussion
    • What did you learn?
    • What are the next steps, how will the project continue or what is the sustainability plan?

Note: All abstracts should be organized, clear, concise, well-written, and 250 words count max

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To proceed with the abstract submission, please first confirm that you have permission to present and share the findings of your research or project from the community partners or organizations involved, persons or organizations that have ownership of the data used, and/or other project collaborators. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact us at

I confirm that I have permission, as defined above, to present this abstract in a public forum.
Submision Information fields

Please indicate which category your submission qualifies for:

FORUM Selection

Lead Presenter Information

If more than one person is planning to co-present this abstract, please provide the personal information of the lead presenter or the presenter who will act as the main contact with the PHPF planning Committee.

Project Mentor / Faculty Advisor for this project

Abstract Information

There is an 10 word maximum.
10 word(s) remaining
First name, Last name, etc...
250 word(s) remaining
Please read and follow the posted abstract criteria. Abstracts that do not meet the criteria will not be accepted. It is unnecessary to include all heading formats for a single heading. For example, instead of "Results/Outcomes/Products," you can use "Results."

Before submission, confirm that the abstract has been reviewed by an individual familiar with your research or project (i.e., faculty advisor, research partner or supervisor) that may provide constructive feedback.

For all questions or concerns regarding the abstract submission process, send an email to one of the following contacts: Public Health Poster Forum Official email ( or _________( For inquiries about overall Public Health Poster forum, please contact to __________ ( or ___________ (