Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility on Migrant Farmworker Health in Mexican Agribusiness

Dissertation research will measure corporate social responsibility (CSR) impact on proximal health and safety of migrant farmworkers employed in one socially responsible agribusiness located in Sonora, Mexico; and explore distal relationships of CSR on selected social determinants of health (SDH) among migrant farmworker households migrating from Chiapas to the Sonora study farm.  A community-based participatory research approach will engage agribusiness owners, health/social service providers, and farmworker stakeholders.  PIMSA will support two critical phases of research; (1) Key informant interviews to synthesize emerging and competing discourse and policies concerning the role of CSR on SDH and how this information is circulated, and understood by stakeholders and; (2) Retrospective case-control study to compare acute and chronic health indicators, including work-related illness and injury among regularly returning farm workers (cases) to those who do not regularly return to the same farm (controls). Study farm employee medical records for years 2004-2009 will be reviewed.  Case employees are expected to have less acute and chronic health issues and decreased work-related illness/injury compared to controls.  Budget will cover travel, per diem, and lodging.
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End Year
Cecilia Rosales
Jill Guernsey de Zapien