Frank Marcus
Major Donor Profiles

Thank you, Dr. Marcus, for your leadership and support for the Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiative. Your vision has launched many programs that teach our youth the benefits of healthy living and train our public health students to be the wellness leaders of tomorrow.
-Dean Iman Hakim
Dr. Frank Marcus, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the College of Medicine here at the University of Arizona and a pioneer in cardiovascular research, has led an impressive career with the University of Arizona Health Sciences Sarver Heart Center. Frank realized that public health education could change behaviors and improve health for so many patients, so he provided the funding and direction to establish the Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiative in collaboration with the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.
The Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiative provides obesity prevention health education to school children, through a variety of programs, with the goal of nurturing healthier kids who will grow up to be adults with healthier hearts.
On his first attempt, Dr. Marcus did not gain acceptance into medical school, so he pursued medical research instead. He persisted, however, and graduated from Boston University School of Medicine, then served as Chief of Cardiology at the Georgetown University Medical Service, D.C. General Hospital from 1960-1968. In January 1969, he became Professor and Chief of the Section of Cardiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and in 1982 he was appointed Distinguished Professor of Medicine and held this Endowed Chair until 1999. He is certified in the American Board of Internal Medicine and in the Subspecialty Board of Cardiovascular Disease.
Frank has always been passionate about the prevention of obesity in order to improve health outcomes overall, and he brought that passion to focus on preventing childhood obesity here in Tucson where his support has changed lives. The Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiative program that Dr. Marcus began also trains the next generation of public health students in health promotion, education that will benefit Arizona well into the future.
Dr. Marcus stands out as a health leader who understands the value and impact that public health programs can have on communities. His career exemplifies the best in medicine, health care, and education. Truly a public health champion, Frank continues healing the world even in retirement. Thank you Dr. Marcus for your partnership with the College, your outstanding dedication to public health and all you have done for health and wellness in Arizona!