Graduate Admissions
Tuition and Financial Assistance
Below are the tuition and fees per semester for the Fall 2023 for each graduate program within the UA Zuckerman College of Public Health.
- Graduate Programs (MPH, MS, PhD, DrPH)
- Online MPH Program
- Online Certificate Programs
- Main Campus Certificate Programs
- Non-Degree Seeking Students through Main Campus
- Non-Degree Seeking Students through UAOnline - ranges from $820 to $1250 per credit plus fees
For more information, please visit the Bursar's Office resources, including the Tuition and Fees Calculator.
Also view the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid, Estimated Costs of Attendance, and Student Health Insurance Premiums.
Financial Assistance
How to Apply
If you are admitted to the UA College of Public Health, a link to our Scholarship and Teaching Assistantship Application will be sent to you with your notification of admission.
If you are a US citizen or permanent resident and will be seeking financial aid in the form of loans, fellowships, scholarships, or teaching assistantships, you will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We recommend completing the FAFSA by March 1 for priority processing.
Award Priority
Financial assistance is awarded on the basis of both need and merit. Priority for funding from the College of Public Health is given to doctoral students, then master's level students, and then undergraduate students. Additionally, full-time students are given priority for financial assistance, as are students who apply by the priority application deadline.
Federal Loans
The UA Office of Student Scholarships and Financial Aid is the office that distributes federal loans, grants, and miscellaneous scholarships. Information from your FAFSA is processed by this office. The maximum federal loan per year for MPH and DrPH students is $33,000, and the maximum federal loan per year for MS and PhD students is $20,500. There is a lifetime loan maximum of $224,000. If you have specific questions for the Office of Student Scholarships and Financial Aid, we encourage you to email
Initial Recruitment Awards
A certain percentage of our funding is reserved for the top applicants to each program. These students will be notified of a financial award shortly after their offer of admission. If these awards are declined by these applicants, the funds will be re-awarded to the next student on the funding priority list.
General Scholarships, Graduate Tuition Scholarships, and Teaching Assistantships
Awards of general scholarships, graduate tuition scholarships, and teaching assistantships are based on need, merit, and experience (in the case of teaching assistantships). Priority for these types of awards is given to doctoral students, then master's level students, and then undergraduate students. Additionally, full-time students and applicants who apply for the priority (first) deadline will be given priority for all awards.
Named Scholarships
There are several named scholarships within the college. These scholarships are reserved for continuing students. Students may apply for them following their first semester in your degree program. View a list of named scholarships.
Teaching and Research Assistantships
Teaching assistantships and research assistantships are available to graduate students in the College of Public Health. Most teaching assistantships are 10 hour per week appointments. Research assistantships are either 10 or 20 hours per week. The benefits are as follows:
- A stipend - approximately $5,437 per semester for a 10 hour/week appointment or $10,875 per semester for a 20 hour/week appointment
- A waiver of out-of-state tuition
- A percentage off of base in-state tuition: 50% off of base in-state tuition for a 10 hour/week appointment or 100% off of base in-state tuition for a 20 hour/week appointment
- Please note that mandatory university fees and program fees are the responsibility of the student (approximately $1,500 per semester)
- Campus healthcare benefits are included
- 10% discount at the University of Arizona bookstore
Peace Corps Fellows
The University of Arizona Peace Corps Fellows program is a great opportunity for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. The University of Arizona has a thriving Peace Corps community, and the College of Public Health is proud to have a large cohort of RPCVs. The application process for this fellowship is outlined at
Western Regional Graduate Program
The UA Zuckerman College of Public Health participates in the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP), which makes high-quality, distinctive graduate programs and healthcare-related programs available to students of the West at the resident tuition rate. If you are a resident of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming, you may be eligible to enroll in the MPH, MS, PhD, and DrPH programs at Arizona resident tuition rates. This is similar to a scholarship of $20,000 per year. You may need to provide proof that you are a resident of one of these states, typically in the form of a state-issued ID.
In order to apply for the WRGP program, you will need to complete the College of Public Health Scholarship & Teaching Assistantship Application, which will be e-mailed to you with your offer of admission.
International Students
If admitted to a graduate program within the College of Public Health, International Students will need to complete the Financial Guarantee and submit it to the UA Graduate College so that they may process your visa. Financial need of international students is generally much greater than our available resources are to provide. For this reason, we are unable to provide full financial guarantees. You will be considered for the same level of aid as domestic students.
Assistantships and Other Sources of Support
Since it's not possible for the College to provide scholarships to all of our students, you are encouraged to consider and search out other avenues of funding your education. First, remember that graduate assistantships exist all over campus and provide the same monetary benefits to the student no matter where he or she is employed. Faculty members are your best source of information about research assistantships. In the College of Public Health, if you look in the Directory, you can determine what research interests particular faculty members have. If they match yours, send the faculty member an email expressing your interest in their research and inquire whether they have research assistantships or can refer you to others who might have these opportunities.
If we have been informed of these opportunities, the Office of Student and Alumni Affairs sends this information to incoming and current students via e-mail. Other departments and colleges have similar directories, etc. Periodically check the Human Resources site of the University for part-time classified staff jobs. If you are employed in a half-time or greater classified staff position, you would receive benefits, including a significant tuition break. Employment in student positions (non assistantships) does not provide benefits but does provide a salary. Finally, agencies around town often hire part time help and this is a great way to get some public health experience under your belt.
Scholarship Universe
Check out the University of Arizona Scholarship Universe. "We've brought searching for scholarships into the 21st century so that University of Arizona students are matched to scholarships that they are eligible for."
Roles Related to Financial Processes and Information
There are a number of individuals and offices within the University whose jobs relate to your financial bottom line. They include:
- The UA Bursar's Office which provides student account and billing information; receives payments for tuition, fees and miscellaneous campus charges; provides collection of delinquent accounts; delivers refunds and financial aid residuals after disbursement.
- The UA Office of Student Scholarships and Financial Aid is the institutional office that distributes federal loans, grants and miscellaneous scholarships. Information from your FAFSA is processed by this office. The UA Financial Aid Office has informed us that the maximum Stafford loan per year for graduate public health students is $33,000 and the maximum aggregate is $224,000. There is a listing of scholarships on their website. If you have specific questions for the Office of Student Scholarships and Financial Aid, you are encouraged to email to get your concerns addressed.
- Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Office of Student Services - In addition to managing the support activities related to applicants, students and alumni, we handle the application and disbursement processes for our limited College scholarships, Graduate College Scholarships and our teaching assistantships. A College Scholarship Committee oversees the scholarship award process. Our Student Services Office does not assess charges to your tuition bill, take payments or have any access to the Bursar's Office process. We also do not play any part in releasing loans to you. The Need Based Scholarship Application that you have completed is related to funding that is connected to the College of Public Health only.