Alumni Council
Alumni Council Nominations

Explore opportunities to teach a class at the college, in-person or online, host an event, and contribute to the legacy of excellence that defines our institution.
The mission of the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Alumni Council is to provide holistic support to fellow alumni and students focusing on professional development and fostering a strong network. The council aims to assist the college in its efforts to recruit and retain students by offering mentorship programs, creating internship opportunities for students and facilitating meaningful connections between alumni and current students. Additionally, the council will strive to support in philanthropic ways including hosting events, supporting fundraising efforts, and engaging community networks with unique opportunities with the college.
Council Members Structure
- 15 members representing:
- Undergraduate and graduate alumni
- Broad range of professional experience
- Different graduating class years, concentrations, and programs
- Geographic regions
- Ex-officio Members: MEZCOPH administrators or staff involved with alumni and current student leadership
- Executive Committee: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, and Secretary.
- Term: Elected council members should serve a term of 3 years beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of each year. Each such member may, at the invitation of the Executive Committee of the Council, serve for one additional consecutive term of 2 years.
- Meetings: There shall be at least four (4) meetings of the Council each term (July 1 - June 30)
- Timeframe: A formal call for applicants will be communicated to all MEZCOPH alumni each spring via email and social media
- Application:
- Any MEZCOPH alumni may submit a formal application to serve on the Alumni Council via the school’s website at any time throughout the calendar year
- Applications will remain on file for three years unless the applicant requests otherwise.
Membership Requirements
- Philanthropy:
- Make an annual financial gift of any amount to the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health within the University’s fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
- Support annual -giving efforts through participation in solicitation or stewardship calls, mailings, and/or events.
- Attendance:
- Attend and actively participate in all Council and committee meetings throughout the year. Participation may be in person, but may also occur via conference call, web-enabled conferencing, or other means as appropriate.
- Attend and volunteer at MEZCOPH and University of Arizona sponsored events. Examples include Orientation, regional and global alumni events, student programs, lectures, and conferences.
- Communication:
- Respond to emails and other forms of communication in a timely and considerate manner in support of the MEZCOPH Alumni Council and College of Public Health staff.
- Stay informed about current MEZCOPH and University of Arizona programs and services utilizing available resources such as school and university publications and online media.
- Serve:
- Serve on one standing committee each year and ad-hoc committees as appointed.
- Serve as alumni ambassadors and leaders of the MEZCOPH Alumni Council at the University, community, national, and international levels, and respond to requests for venue, speaker, and other programming suggestions.
- Recruitment:
- Identify and cultivate alumni who are willing to contribute time, service, and funds to the College of Public Health and the University of Arizona, as well as generate nominations for the MEZCOPH Alumni Council.
- Stewardship:
- Generate nominations for the College of Public Health and University of Arizona alumni awards, and assist in identifying community and professional awards for potential alumni nominations.
Standing Committees
The President shall appoint from the Council the members of the standing committees to be named by the Council:
- Alumni Regional Councils
- Alumni Community
- Alumni Communications
- Career Services
- Recruitment & Admissions
- Mentorship
- Alumni Giving
The chair of each standing committee shall be appointed by the President of the Council, and the chair and members of standing committees shall serve at the pleasure of the President. Specific work of each standing committee is determined by the committee chair and the President and may change from year to year.