College Wide Seminar: Need books, a blood pressure cuff, yoga class, garden seeds? There's a (library) card for that!


Noon – 12:50 p.m., Sept. 11, 2024

The Public Health Practice, Policy, and Translational Research Department presents:                                               


    Need books, a blood pressure cuff, yoga class, garden
   seeds? There's a (library) card for that!

     Wednesday September 11, 2024
     12:00 –12:50 pm
     Drachman Hall A118 or



Mona Arora, PhD, MsPH and Lisa Lewis

Abstract: Public libraries provide a wide range of services in their communities. Traditionally these roles have been focused on building literacy and ensuring access to reliable information. During the COVID-19 pandemic these roles underwent a significant transition as libraries and their staff rapidly adapted to a complex COVID-19 landscape to support their communities. Across Arizona, rural libraries found themselves at the forefront of disaster response with small and rural libraries, particularly, playing a vital role in their geographically isolated communities by providing internet and technology access and later increasing access to masks and vaccines. Public libraries in urban, rural, and tribal communities provide critical public health and healthcare resources to communities yet are not formally integrated into the public health system. This seminar will share findings from the Arizona Librarians Enhancing Resilient Rural Communities, an academic-practice partnership developed to address COVID-19 disparities in rural communities. This session will provide an overview of the library landscape across Arizona, current approaches to health and well-being services, and opportunities for collaboration.


Dr. Mona Arora is an Assistant Research Professor at the College of Public Health. She obtained her Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) degree in Tropical Medicine from the Tulane University School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene and has a doctorate degree in Geography from the University of Arizona. Dr. Arora is an applied researcher and a strong advocate for cross-sectoral and discipline collaboration to address the 21st century global problems including climate change and pandemics. She currently leads the Community Engagement Core of the NIH funded Southwest Center on Resilience for Climate Change and Health” (SCORCH). She also leads the ADHS-CDC COVID-19 Health Disparities Initiative, “Advancing Health Equity, Addressing Disparities (AHEAD AZ)”, at the Arizona Center for Rural Health. AHEAD AZ housed the Library Champions program that will be the focus of this seminar. 

Lisa Lewis has been working in libraries for 24 years and is currently the Library Manager for Florence Community Library. She has had many adventures since starting her career including being invited by the U.S. Embassy in Croatia to present a series of workshops to the librarians there. Ms. Lewis has served on the Association for Rural and Small Libraries board as the President and Treasurer and is currently the Arizona Library Association (AzLA) President. Ms. Lewis has written and received several grants such as the NASA @My Library grant, LSTA Grants, STEM grants, and several grants from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine which focus on Healthy Living.


Danielle Embry