The Health Promotion Sciences Department presents:
Promotores in Action:
Utilizing community-engaged research to address child obesity inequities in an emerging
Latino community
Wednesday February 14, 2024
12:00 –12:50 pm
Drachman Hall A114 and
Zoom: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81910337771 Password: 813742
Sharon E. Taverno Ross, PhD
Abstract: Latino preschool children are more likely to be overweight and obese than their non-Latino counterparts. In this talk, Dr. Ross will share her experience of applying community-engaged participatory research methods to promote health and wellness in Latino children and families living in an emerging community around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Bio: Dr. Sharon Ross is an Associate Professor of Health and Human Development in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Ross has expertise in obesity prevention and physical activity promotion in children, working primarily with Latino familes. Her community-engaged research forcuses on promoting health lifestyles in Latino families through culturally-tailored, home- and community-based interventions delivered by trained community health workers (promotores).
Terri Mahaffey