The Future of Health Care to be Discussed by UA Health-Care Policy Expert, Oct. 3


6 – 7:15 p.m., Oct. 3, 2018

The critical state of the U.S. health-care system and the potential impact of the mid-term elections will be the topic of a lecture by University of Arizona health-care policy expert Daniel Derksen, MD, on Wednesday, Oct. 3, from 6 to 7:15 p.m., at Banner – University of Arizona Medical Center – Tucson, DuVal Auditorium, 1501 N. Campbell Ave.

Presented by the UA Arthritis Center in partnership with the UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, the event is free and open to the public and will include time for questions and answers.

Dr. Derksen is associate vice president for health equity, outreach and interprofessional activities at the UA Health Sciences and the Walter H. Pearce Endowed Chair and professor of public health policy and management at the UA Zuckerman College of Public Health. 

Seating for the lecture is limited and prior registration is requested. For more information or to register, please visit the UA Arthritis Center website,, call 520-626-5040 or email 



Tracy Shake