Join Pinnacle Prevention as they host partners and friends from around the state to discuss Missing Middle Housing. This webinar is the first in the Arizona Smart Growth Series. Throughout the series, we will share success stories and best practices that advance equitable development practices that help create thriving cities, towns, and neighborhoods. Learn more about Smart Growth and health equity.
Arizona communities are experiencing a lot of change. Smart Growth is an approach to development that encourages a mix of building types and uses, diverse housing and transportation options, development within existing neighborhoods, and robust community engagement. During this webinar we will dive deeper into the Arizona Housing crisis. Where do we start? What policy and programmatic solutions work? And most importantly, how are we responsive to the needs of communities?
Our conversation will include the shared perspectives from the following panelists:
- Kirin Goff
Assistant Professor of Practice, Zuckerman College of Public Health and Director of the Applied Health Policy Institute - Kerwin Brown
Executive Director, Tanner Community Development Corp. - David Crummey
Community Advocate - Gabriel Jaramillo
Director, Healthy Communities, Vitalyst Health Foundation - Kim Robinson
Project Coordinator, Lived Black Experience Project
Who Should Attend:
- Public health practitioners and public health staff
- Planners
- Community advocates
- Any and all interested in creating thriving cities, towns, and neighborhoods
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pv1rkzckRFWpMHY4nO11kg#/registration