Meet our Students
Undergraduate Ambassador

Long Beach, California
Majors / Minors:
Major in Public Health
Why choose the UA / What’s awesome about the UA:
I chose MEZCOPH because I love the community. The teachers and the students are amazing. I’ve made some of my best friends from this major and I’m so excited to meet so many more. It is also so amazing that we all have the same goal: To build a healthier future!!
Why did you choose public health?
I chose public health because I love helping the community and making a difference. I come from an under privileged community so I’ve been through/seen a lot of people struggle and I would love to help improve those types is situations.
Fun Fact about you (hobbies, trivia, etc.):
Some hobbies I have outside of school include going to the gym and laying at the beach!
One piece of advice for incoming students (transfer and freshmen):
A tip I have for future students is to explore as many topics as you can! I’ve taken countless of classes including minority health, buddhism, fairytales, and the inevitable science classes. I have also been involved in clubs such as honoraries and public health mentors! Due to this, it has allowed me to discover who I am and what I want to do in the future!