The Health of Migrant Farmworkers in Sonora and a model of social responsibility

COPH Research Area
This project is focused on the development of a farmworker promotor curriculum to be utilized with agricultural workers in Sonora as well as a pilot implementation of the curriculum and an evaluation of its impact.  The project is also providing technical assistance in infrastructure and systems changes that move the agricultural industry in Sonora to be more socially responsible.   The research component is both the curriculum testing in terms of relevance and the evaluation of the impact.  The service component of the project includes the technical assistance for the curriculum development and the implementation as well as the technical assistance for infrastructure and systems change.  The training component is the skill building of local promotores on the farm. We have been recently awarded a new PIMSA grant for continuation of our work.  The new award will begin in April.  
Start Year
End Year
Jill Guernsey de Zapien
Cecilia Rosales