Salud Sin Fronteras
COPH Research Area
Despite suffering disproportionately from many health conditions, Mexican immigrants in the United States (U.S.) have among the lowest rates of health care utilization of any U.S.-based population, even after controlling for insurance coverage and socio-demographic factors. While barriers to health care access faced by Mexican immigrants in the U.S. have been well documented, little is known about this population’s care-seeking experiences pre-migration. Yet, prior research has argued that migrant health must be evaluated as a truly transnational phenomenon, given that regular preventive medical care during childhood improves individuals’ likelihood of seeking health care as adults. Thus, Salud Sin Fronteras seeks to expand our understanding of the relationship between pre-migration barriers to care to post-migration healthcare access. We conducted a community-based survey with 300 Mexican born adults living in Southern Arizona. The survey included questions on health and disease status, insurance status, medical care utilization, lay care utilization, and migration history. Findings from Salud Sin Fronteras will inform public health campaigns and interventions designed to increase medical care access for Mexican immigrants living in the United States.
Research Team: Drs. Rebecca Crocker, Daniel Martinez, and David O. Garcia
Funding Agency: UArizona Hispanic Serving Institution Faculty Seed Grant
Start Year
End Year
Adriana Maldonado
David O. Garcia