Academic Policies and Forms

Academic Policies and Forms

For students interested in participating in independent studies and preceptorships or to access other important academic policies and procedures.

Please contact your advisor if you have questions regarding any of the below forms or policies.

The academic probation process is designed to be helpful for students and to promote a successful experience at the University of Arizona. Students new to academic probation will be connected to their academic advisor, who share campus resources and to discuss barriers to your success. The probation period ends once the student meets the requirements to return to good academic standing.

Students who are probation for the first time are expected to complete the College of Public Health Academic Contract and turn it into their advisor at their first meeting.

Many of our College's courses that are delivered fully online are intended for the students pursuing the Arizona Online Bachelor of Science degree with a major in public health. Subsequently, students who are part of the Arizona Online campus receive priority for enrollment in these courses. See the list below for the courses available in upcoming terms that are reserved first for fully online students. (Note if an online course you are interested in enrolling in is not included in the list below, then it is available for main campus student enrollment through the usual UAccess Student Center enrollment process.)

The College of Public Health academic advising team maintains course waitlists to aid in tracking main campus student interest in the fully online courses. As space becomes available immediately before the term begins, main campus students who have completed the waitlist form(s) are notified of the eligibility to enroll in the course.

Once the waitlist is completed by the student, main campus students should also consider the in-person course for enrollment, especially given that placement on the waitlist is no guarantee of enrollment in the course.

The College academic advising team assesses the course demand from the Arizona Online student body about three weeks before the new semester begins. As space allows, the advising team then utilizes the waitlist to invite main campus students into the online courses. Students are advised to monitor their UA email address for a time-sensitive offer of enrollment. In addition, the advising team sends notice if there is no available space remaining. If it is one week prior to the course beginning, and you have not received an email about your interest in a fully online course, feel free to reach out to your academic advisor

Remember: Placement on the waitlist is no guarantee of enrollment in the fully online course. If the course is critical to your degree progression, please consider the main campus (in-person) course for your enrollment.  

Information on how to sign up for the internship, what paperwork is required, and how to access the internship orientation can be found here.

Students seeking an independent study or directed research opportunity must first identify a faculty member in the College of Public Health who is willing to mentor them. The student and faculty member work together to create a mutually agreeable project using the Independent Study/Directed Research Form. After the form is complete, the student email/delivers the completed form to their academic advisor to be added to the public health units (XXX* 492 or 399/499; * = course prefix will depend on the public health faculty member's home department).

Preceptors are highly motivated students who are either concurrently enrolled in a public health course, or who have previously taken a public health course (or a similar course), who then function as student mentors and/or instructional assistants for the course. They serve a unique role because they provide support both in and out of the classroom. Students seeking a preceptorship must first identify an instructor whom they would like to assist. The student and instructor work together to create a mutually agreeable contract using the Preceptor Contract. After the form is complete, the student email/deliver the completed form to their academic advisor to be added to the public health preceptorship units (XXX* 491; * = course prefix will depend on the public health faculty member's home department).

Students seeking an honors thesis opportunity must first identify a faculty member in the College of Public Health who is wiling to mentor them. The student and faculty member work together to create a mutually agreeable thesis plan using the Thesis Prospectus Form. This completed form should be submitted to the student's Honors advisor by the end of the semester prior to students commencing their Honors thesis credits.

Once the required form has been submitted to and approved by the Honors College, the student provides a copy of their thesis prospectus to their public health advisor in order to be enrolled in Honors Thesis units. Only theses supervised by faculty appointed to the College of Public Health can receive XXX* 498H credit (* = course prefix will depend on the public health faculty member's home department). If a student plans to complete their thesis with faculty from another department (from their minor or another major), they will work with their advisor in that department to be enrolled in thesis units. 

Students looking to have out-of-state transfer credits, study abroad credits, or other non-University of Arizona units count for public health major coursework (whether for direct credit or as indirect public health electives) will need to submit a Course Equivalency or Credit Request HERE to have those courses evaluated for an equivalency. A syllabus (not just a course description) is required for evaluation of these courses (submit one form per credit evaluation request).

Per University policy, undergraduate students are eligible to register for up to 19 units in any given semester. For students wishing to take greater than 19 units in a single semester, they must petition the College of Public Health using the form below.

Petition to Raise Semester Unit Cap

Note: the 19 unit limit is firm (not approved for exception) during a student's internship semester(s).

Please meet with your academic advisor if you have questions about any of the following College of Public Health Academic Policy topics:

Back2UA, Disqualification Petition, Extension of Incomplete, General Petition, Increase Unit Maximums, Late Change Petition, Obtaining Dean's Signature or Permission, Probation, Transfer Credit Evaluation for General Education Coursework

College of Public Health Matriculation Standards
The College has developed matriculation standards to identify the skills and behaviors that are expected of students admitted to the MEZCOPH academic or certificate programs. During the period of enrollment, should the student’s performance in any of the areas outlined drop below the acceptable standards, the student may be dismissed from the program to which he or she has been admitted. A student’s performance against these standards will be assessed during annual academic progress reporting or at any time during his or her enrollment in the College should unsatisfactory performance be reported. Please review the full description of the College of Public Health Matriculation and Progress Standards.

UA Academic Catalog
One of the greatest resources available is the Academic Catalog, which is the University's primary, comprehensive single source of departmental, college and university-wide information related to academic programs. Courses, degree programs, and policies that govern progress towards completion of a degree are described in the catalog. Students are responsible for knowing and understanding the contents of the catalog they are following and are strongly encouraged to read the UA's Student Responsibility Policy. Students are always encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to answer/clarify any questions you may have about a college or university policy.