Online MPH Curriculum

Online MPH Curriculum

The online Master of Public Health curriculum combines a bedrock foundation in the core principles of public health with the option to choose one of many distinct concentrations in Applied Epidemiology, Climate Change & Health, Global Health, Health Services Administration and Health Behavior Health Promotion. Our concentrations reflect the disciplines most vital to public health professionals’ success and satisfy our students’ varied interests.

Curriculum at a Glance: 42 total credits

  • Modular program with each course only 7.5 weeks long-
  • A 5-unit applied practice experience is required for all concentrations-
  • One-unit capstone Integrated Learning Experience-
  • Two Interprofessional Education Activities (not for credit)-
  • 50% of your coursework will be concentration-based-
  • Complete your MPH degree in as few as 2 years-

EPID 573A // Basic Principles of Epidemiology // 3 Credits

The course will introduce students to the basic concepts and principles of epidemiology and how these concepts are applicable for their own particular interests and career in epidemiology related fields.

PHPM 574 // Public Health Policy & Management // 3 Credits

Management processes/roles of public health professionals; health service organization; policy issues and resource utilization/control; human resources management; public health trends.

BIOS 576A // Biostatistics in Public Health // 3 Credits

The course will introduce students to the basic concepts and principles of epidemiology and how these concepts are applicable for their own particular interests and career in epidemiology related fields.

PHPM 569 // Fundamentals of Health Budgeting & Financial Management // 3 Credits

This course will offer a current approach to the fundamentals of budgeting and financial management, with an emphasis on non-profit and health care organizations, in particular the community health sector.

HPS 577 // Sociocultural & Behavioral Aspects of Public Health // 3 Credits

This course is an overview of significant social, cultural and behavioral issues related to public health. Major public health problems and the influences of sociocultural issues are analyzed in relation to health behavior. Readings, discussions, films, and class experiences/assignments will focus on understanding the social and cultural issues that influence health-related behavior among specific populations with an emphasis on the populations in the U.S. and the Southwest.

EHS 575 // Environmental & Occupational Health // 3 Credits

Course emphasizes health hazard sources, methods to identify & evaluate them, and framework used to affect hazard control. Students will evaluate public health issues, understand research designs, identify and evaluate factors important to the development of monitoring programs.

Interprofessional Education Activities

Applied Practice Expirence Preparation Workshop

The online MPH degree is available in the following concentration areas

Applied Epidemiology

The Applied Epidemiology concentration includes six courses that develop knowledge and data analysis skills for careers in applied settings. Coursework focuses on advanced methods, biostatistics, maternal and child health and infectious disease.

EPID 572B // Applied Epidemiologic Methods // 3 Credits

This course will expand epidemiological research methods at the masters level for applying epidemiological concepts. This will include design of research studies, misclassification and bias, then apply it to the basics of survey design and data analyses of survey data.

EPID 572C // Analysis of Public Health Data // 3 Credits

This course focuses on how public health data are used for epidemiologic investigations and prevention programs and develops skills and strategies for the analysis and presentation of public health data; using epidemiological and biostatistical principles to analyze public health data through descriptive statistics, stratified analyses, regression and other basic approaches.

BIOS 576B // Biostatistics for Research // 3 Credits

An intermediate course in biostatistical methods and their application in epidemiology and public health. This course covers linear regression analysis, logistic regression analysis, time-to-event (survival) analysis and study design.

EPID 579 // Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology // 3 Credits

This course focuses on developing practical skills in the investigation of outbreaks, development and implementation of infectious disease surveillance and the administration of infectious disease control and prevention.

EPID 555 // Introduction to Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology // 3 Credits

Course will cover topical information, publicly available databases, and epidemiological approaches to the investigation of issues in female reproduction, childhood conditions, and women's health.

HPS 628 // Public Health Research and Evaluation // 3 Credits

This course provides a theoretical introduction and applied experience with methods for undertaking public health research and program evaluation. Activities will involve review and critique of published public health research and evaluation articles, designing and presenting both a research and evaluation plan using standards set by federal funding agencies and practical problem solving in applying research and evaluation methods in the field.

EPID 580 // Public Health Integrated Learning Experience // 1 Credits

An analysis of public health cases that integrates core public health knowledge and competencies to determine the best systems, policies and programs for decreasing morbidity and premature mortality.

EPID 909 //Master's Report // 5 Credits

Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.

  • Interpret and summarize findings from multiple studies to make recommendations for public health practice.
  • Assess components of public health surveillance and analyze relevant surveillance data to address public health problems.
  • Assess pros and cons of different study designs and determine appropriate measures of disease frequency and excess risk.
  • Use public health data sources and collected data to answer applied epidemiological research questions.
  • Interpret analyses in the context of published literature and communicate key findings to stakeholders.

Climate Change & Health

This interdisciplinary concentration is offered jointly by four Departments. Students in this concentration prepare to respond to climate-driven health crises. They learn to identify and address the complex chronic disease, infectious disease, and mental health effects of climate change on population health. Graduates will develop communication skills and adaptation measures to address climate effects on health and the environment, including ongoing and emergent health challenges.

EHS 525 // A Public Health Lens to Climate Change // 3 Credits.

In this course, students will explore issues including: the effect of a changing environment on human health and the public health role in mitigating and addressing climate change.

CPH 502 // Climate and Health // 3 Credits.

In this course, students will explore the effects of climate and climate change on health. Over the course, content moves from the fundamental science of climate change and physiology, current and predicted effects, to the framing and communication of climate health impacts.

CPH 532 // Food in 2050 and Beyond: Climate Change and Global Health // 3 Credits.

This course is aimed to envision the future of food in the context of climate change, global health, sustainable cities, food-water-energy nexus, and digitally transformed world. Students explore the vision of the future of food under various scenarios considering changes in diet, population, agricultural practices, and climate.

EPID/EHS 545 // One Health Foundations // 3 Credits.

This course introduces a transdisciplinary One Health framework – which focuses on the interconnection between people, animals, and the environment – to examine health drivers and outcomes at local, regional, national, and global levels.

Global Health

The Global Health concentration includes six courses that develop knowledge and skills for careers in U.S. and international settings. Coursework focuses on emergency management, nutrition, maternal and child health, climate change and project design and evaluation.

HPS 529 // Project Design & Evaluation in Global Health and Development // 3 Credits

This course equips participants with skills in conceptualizing, developing, implementing, and evaluating small-scale projects in global health and development contexts. Needs assessment, writing SMART goals and objectives,  data collection design and evaluation techniques are just some of the topics addressed in this course.

EHS 525 // A Public Health Lens to Climate Change // 3 Credits.

In this course, students will explore issues including: the effect of a changing environment on human health and the public health role in mitigating and addressing climate change.

HPS 533 // Global Health // 3 Credits

This course examines major global health challenges, programs, and policies. Students analyze current and emerging global health priorities and issues including emerging infectious diseases, poverty, health inequity, health systems reforms, and major initiatives for disease prevention and health promotion.

HPS 559 // Management of Global Public Health Emergencies // 3 Credits  [OR HPS 635]

Management of Global Public Health Emergencies students in this course will develop the knowledge and skills to work in national and international contexts addressing  emergency coordination, leadership, communication, and resource mobilization.

HPS 635 // Applied Field Methods in Global Health Nutrition // 3 Credits  [OR HPS 559]

This course examines the principles and methods used in nutritional assessment in clinical, public health and research settings in low- and high-income countries. Laboratory and field methods for population-wide nutritional deficiency assessment, nutritional screening and surveillance, dietary assessment, hunger, and food security will be examined.

CPH 557 // Global Maternal Health: Cultural Perceptions and Policy Approaches // 3 Credits

This course examines historical and current global maternal health policies and how these policies are developed, implemented, and responded to by stakeholders at global and local levels.

HPS 560 // International Nutrition // 3 Credits

Fundamentals of biochemistry, including proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates and lipids and their metabolic relationships.

HPS 580 // Public Health Integrated Learning Experience // 1 Credits

An analysis of public health cases that integrates core public health knowledge and competencies to determine the best systems, policies and programs for decreasing morbidity and premature mortality.

HPS 909 // Master's Report // 5 Credits

Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.

  • Develop governmental policies to improve the health of populations in low and middle incomes countries.
  • Identify the relationships among patterns of morbidity, mortality, and disability with demographic and other factors in shaping the circumstances of the population of a specified community, country, or region.
  • Conduct situation analysis across a range of cultural, economic, and health contexts.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of interventions that address the major global health issues for women and children.
  • Design health advocacy strategies.

Health Services Administration

The Health Services Administration concentration includes six courses that develop knowledge and skills for careers in health and public health settings. Coursework focuses on administration, services delivery and quality, ethics and law, and marketing and communications.

PHPM 507 // Health Care Economics & Policy // 3 Credits

Health policy is examined from an economic perspective. Basic economic theories and their relationships to the structure and function of the U.S. health care system are explored. Alternative health care systems and health care reforms are also evaluated.

PHPM 561 / /Introduction to Health Care Quality & Safety // 3 Credits

This course provides an overview of health care quality and safety. Students are introduced to the history, definitions, practices, and the broader political, financial and ethical contexts of health care quality and safety.

PHPM 562 // Health Services Administration // 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation in health services administration. It introduces the student to the structure and functions of the United States health care system. The health care system in the community and its environment are examined to determine how they impact health services administration.

PHP 641 // Health Systems Delivery // 3 Credits

This course will introduce students to the organizational structure of large, complex health care organizations, compare them to other international health care systems and illustrate how regulatory and legal requirements contribute to administrative and management challenges.

PHPM 608A // Public Health Law and Ethics // 3 Credits

This course is intended to introduce MPH and DrPH students, as well as practitioners, to current and foundational issues in law and ethics that impact the policies and practice of public health. The goal of the course is to allow students to identify and appropriately assess legal and ethical issues that underlie the field of public health.

PHPM 558 // Healthcare Marketing // 3 Credits

This course provides an overview and applications of health care marketing theories and methods for health care and public health organizations. Graduate level requirements include a 20-page paper describing a marketing plan and the process used to complete it.

PHP 580 // Public Health Integrated Learning Experience // 1 Credits

An analysis of public health cases that integrates core public health knowledge and competencies to determine the best systems, policies and programs for decreasing morbidity and premature mortality.

PHP 909 // Master's Report // 5 Credits

Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.

  • Analyze the organization, financing, and delivery of health services, and public health systems in the US.
  • Analyze quality improvement practices as a means to improve health outcomes.
  • Apply the tools and methods used by Health Care Organizations to assess financial health.
  • Apply legal frameworks to analyze public health problems.
  • Evaluate the administrative practices and processes required to operate health care organizations.

Health Behavior Health Promotion

The Health Behavior Health Promotion concentration includes six courses that develop knowledge and skills for careers in non-profit, business, education or governmental settings. Coursework focuses on socio-cultural factors affecting public health, program planning, evaluation, research, and current health issues.

HPS 532P // Planning of Public Health Programs // 3 Credits

This course will equip students with skills in conceptualizing, developing, and implementing small-scale projects in public health. The course will provide guidance and engage student in conducting a community needs assessment, mapping community assets and prioritizing public health needs, writing project goals and objectives that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-framed), developing project logical models, selecting appropriate intervention designs drawing on the evidence based literature and theoretical models, and strategies for project implementation including engaging community partners in all stages if program planning and implementation. Goals, priorities and strategies for applying for federal, state and private funding for public health and development projects will addressed.

HPS 532E // Evaluation of Public Health Programs // 3 Credits

Evaluation is essential to all research- and service-based programs. The course provides students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in public health with the fundamentals of monitoring and evaluation of health promotion programs.

HPS 531 // Contemporary Health Issues & Research // 3 Credits

Designed to explore a broad spectrum of health education and health behavior issues and programs in order to evaluate their impact or potential impact. Students will read, review and critique numerous research efforts that were designed to change behavior via health education and/or health behavior programs.

HPS 535 // Multi-Cultural Health Beliefs // 3 Credits

This course provides learning opportunities for graduate students in the development of sensitivities and competencies related to public health practice among multicultural populations with varying health beliefs, values, behaviors and needs in American society. Such cultural sensitivities and competencies are basic to effective program planning, implementation, service delivery, program evaluation and successful health outcomes through public health education and health promotion. There are special emphases on the ethnic and cultural characteristics of primary ethnic/racial populations in Arizona.

HPS 642 // Public Health Communication // 3 Credits

This course emphasizes effective communication with public health stakeholders including students, scientists, news media, community leaders and the public. Preparation for a future faculty role includes course planning, classroom teaching, student assessment and mentoring.

HPS 628 // Public Health Research and Evaluation // 3 Credits

This course provides a theoretical introduction and applied experience with methods for undertaking public health research and program evaluation. Activities will involve review and critique of published public health research and evaluation articles, designing and presenting both a research and evaluation plan using standards set by federal funding agencies and practical problem solving in applying research and evaluation methods in the field.

HPS 580 // Public Health Integrated Learning Experience // 1 Credits

An analysis of public health cases that integrates core public health knowledge and competencies to determine the best systems, policies and programs for decreasing morbidity and premature mortality.

HPS 909 // Master's Report // 5 Credits

Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.


  • Develop an evaluation plan related to a public health program.
  • Use theory to frame program design and evaluation.
  • Apply ethical principles to public health program planning, implementation and evaluation.
  • Evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of public health promotion programs or practices.
  • To articulate principles for the evaluation of the validity of health behavior-related measures.

How to Apply

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