Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Student Clubs and Organizations

Student organizations at the College of Public Health provide enrichment for undergraduate students, and offer many opportunities for volunteering, public-service work, and camaraderie. Membership is open to all students. The student organizations include:
The Environmental and Occupational Health Student Association (EOHSA)
The Environmental and Occupational Health Student Association (EOHSA) brings together students who have mutual interests in environmental health, occupational health and safety, and industrial hygiene. EOHSA engages member students in discovery through environmental health research and scholarship; encourages leadership in solving complex environmental health problems; and actively promotes the improved health and welfare of the campus, community, and nation trough participation and education in environmental health concepts. The club provides networking opportunities for members through seminars, training opportunities, local tours, and roundtable discussions developed by the student group. The club has a strong focus in forging solid relationships with local and national employers with an interest in developing internships, building careers, and securing donations of equipment and money for the club.
The Social Justice Symposium
The annual Social Justice Symposium is a day-long student-run event to engage faculty, students, community members, and health professionals in dialogue to cultivate awareness and encourage action in the pursuit of equal justice for all people in every aspect of our society. The 13th Annual Social Justice Symposium will take place in the Spring of 2019. For more information or to express interest in contributing to the success of this event, please contact Assistant Dean of Student Services
Public Health Allied Mentorship Program (P.H.A.M.)
The Public Health Allied Mentorship Program (PHAM) is committed to increasing a sense of belonging within the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health by connecting students with current public health professionals (including alumni), College of Public Health faculty members and community organizations aiding public health efforts. PHAM encourages peer-led mentorship as an opportunity to increase student professional development in leadership and communication styles through mentor meetings.
The American Indian and Indigenous Health Alliance
The American Indian and Indigenous Health Alliance (AIIHA) is an undergraduate and graduate student organization established in 2012 by a group of public health students. The organization's goals are to enrich and foster the educational and professional experience of Indigenous students at the University by offering diverse avenues of support that are responsive, adaptive, and efficient to meet the needs of Indigenous students. By doing so, the organization also hopes to increase the representation of Indigenous students in public health disciplines.
The Public Health Undergraduate Network (P.H.U.N.)
Currently Not Active
The Public Health Undergraduate Network (PHUN) is the chief student organization of the College of Public Health. For more information or to express interest in contributing to the success of the club, please contact us at publichealthua@gmail.com.
Student Ambassadors
To aid the College of Public Health with outreach and recruitment, the Office of Student Services and Alumni Affairs coordinates an undergraduate Public Health Ambassador programs. With a competitive application process, ambassadors proudly represent the College’s student perspective to prospective students and their families, the University of Arizona, the Tucson community, and other groups as called upon. College Ambassadors assist with pipeline, undergraduate, and minority recruitment, with activities including the following:
- Communication with prospective and admitted students
- Outreach to campus clubs and organizations
- Staff tabling events on campus
- Student panels for visit days
- Lots of other fun outreach/recruitment activities
More information on the Public Health Ambassadors can be found on the Undergraduate Ambassadors site.