One Health Initiative
The more we learn, the more we understand that human health is deeply intertwined with the health of animals and the environment. The emerging field of study called One Health looks at human health in the context of these deep connections between people and the natural world, so we can find and deliver solutions that keep communities healthy.
A Global Health Challenge

To meet the health challenges of a rapidly changing world, new strategies are needed, and the One Health approach sees the complex connections between human health, animal health, and environmental health. At the Zuckerman College of Public Health, we offer a range of programs to train the next generation of One Health researchers and public health professionals. We also conduct community-engaged, cross-disciplinary One Health research to meet the global health challenges of a rapidly changing world.
Building on One Health knowledge, we find ways to apply what we learn from research, to implement programs and policies that improve health and wellness for communities that are adversely affected by health threats connected to environmental and animal health.
As ecosystems shift due to human interaction or climate change, those shifts lead to altered patterns of disease transmission. Diseases that spread between animals and people – known as zoonotic infections – are common around the globe. The recent COVID-19 pandemic stands out as the most impactful example, yet it will not be the last. A One Health work force is needed to detect, respond, and prevent infectious diseases, epidemics, and pandemics in the U.S. and around the world.
One Health Education
In the Zuckerman College of Public Health, we know how important it is to train the One Health workforce of the future. The college offers a range of degree programs with a One Health focus.
Undergraduate One Health Programs

Bachelor of Science (BS), One Health Track
Available Online and In Person
If you want to meet the public health challenges of the future where human, animal, and environmental health intersect, this is your path to improving global health!

Undergraduate Minor in One Health
Available Online and In Person
For students from many areas of focus, the One Health knowledge provided by this Minor provides a powerful framework to find solutions where human health, animal health, and environmental health intersect.

One Health Undergraduate Certificate
Available Online
For the current and future public health workforce professional, this program provides knowledge and skills related to the complex interaction between human health, animal health and the environment.
Graduate One Health Programs

MPH in One Health
Available Online
For students who are ready to tackle global health challenges, this interdisciplinary concentration trains students to deploy a One Health approach to address complex public health issues.

Graduate Certificate in One Health
Available In Person
A distance learning program designed to meet the needs of students and professionals, the coursework provides multidisciplinary perspective and expertise in the One Health approach to find solutions for emerging health threats.
Global Research and Training Programs
- Young Global Leaders, High School Summer Program, 2 weeks
- Research Training Programs for International Graduate and Undergraduate Students, 4 weeks
- Culture and Community Health Program for International Graduate and Undergraduate Students, 2 weeks

One Health Research
At the Zuckerman College of Public health, we have always understood public health within the context of social and environmental factors. Our recent public health focus on One Health affirms and enhances this approach. Our faculty, especially in the field of exposure science, have been conducting research that investigates the impacts of environmental pollution on human health for many years, working with tribes, farmworkers, firefighters, and many others in Arizona and globally.
Building on this experience and success, the college launched its new One Health Research Initiative (OHRI) in 2020 and recruited Frank von Hippel, PhD, to the Department of Community, Environment and Policy, to lead the OHRI. Frank brings a wealth of experience in One Health research, and leads research projects in the United States and globally. To engage impacted communities with the research and the outcomes, Frank employs a Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) approach that brings community members into the process from start to finish.
New ‘OneNew ‘One Health’ Funding for UArizona Students and Faculty
New funding opportunities for students and faculty across the university will promote One Health research. Health’ Funding for UArizona Students and Faculty
New funding opportunities for students and faculty across the university will promote One Health research.
For more than a decade, faculty in the college have been working on cross-disciplinary and community-engaged One Health research projects, both in the United States and around the globe. The OHRI now facilitates and supports many of these research projects. All our faculty involve students in their research projects so that students gain the knowledge and experience they need to lead future One Health research in public health. Our faculty who conduct One Health research include:
Mona Arora, PhD, MsPH
Leila Barraza, JD, MPH
Paloma Beamer, PHD
Heidi Brown, PHD, MPH
Stephanie Russo Carroll, DrPH, MPH
Katherine Ellingson, PhD
Kacey Ernst, PhD, MPH
Aminata Kilungo, PhD
Kristen Pogreba-Brown, PhD, MPH
Kelly Reynolds, PhD, MSPH
Jonathan Sexton, PhD, MS
Marc Verhougstraete, PhD

Frank von Hippel, PhD
Guided by Frank’s leadership, the college has worked closely with University of Arizona Health Sciences to expand connections across the university, and engage with researchers across the state to build knowledge and capacity around the One Health approach. To build relationships and facilitate this collaborative process, the college has helped to host One Health Symposiums where researchers present and connect.