Academic Health Department
Academic Health Department Graphics Library
These graphics were created by students at the University of Arizona, as part of the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health’s Academic Health Department, in collaboration with local health departments and community partners.
These graphics are available for printing and distribution for health departments and community organizations.
** This graphics library is collection of graphics developed beginning in 2019. As public health guidance changes, rooted in new data, new graphics are developed. This is a collection of all graphics to highlight the work developed by students in collaboration with local health departments and community partners. For most recent graphics or graphic requests, email the AHD Coordinator (contact information in sidebar)**
AHD Graphics Library Maintained by AHD Intern Kendra Claridge
University of Arizona COVID-19 Graphics
Materials developed for the UArizona COVID-19 response.
Grocery Shopping During COVID-19
Tips to shop safely during COVID-19 Guide.
Guide to Essential Shopping-English
Guide to Essential Shopping-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Kate O'Driscoll
Face Coverings
Infographics promoting face coverings at UArizona
Let's Work Together to Stay Apart
Make it Your Task to Wear a Mask
Cover Your Face and Give Some Space-English
Cover Your Face and Give Some Space-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Interns Sabrina Enriquez and Rachel Larson
The Three 3T’s
Illustrates the “Test, Trace, Treat,” strategy
Three T’s
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Sabrina Enriquez
Flight Safety for Students
Information for students how to safe travel during COVID-19
* Helpful to distribute at the beginning and end of the semester
Tips for a Safe Flight during COVID
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Sophie Baygents
Social Distancing
Emphasizes the importance of social distancing and how to stay connected with others safely
Old Main-English
Old Main-Spanish
Social Distance UA-English
Social Distance UA-Spanish
5 Stays-English
5 Stays-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Interns Sabrina Enriquez and Maxwell Allen
Contact Tracing
Explains what contract tracing is and steps to slow the spread of COVID-19
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Sophie Baygents
COVID-19 Prevention
Materials developed in partnership with health department staff and MEZCOPH faculty and staff
Demonstrates proper hand washing technique
Graphic and Video Designed by AHD Intern Sophie Baygents
COVID-19 Testing
Illustrates the COVID-19 testing methods
COVID-19 Tests
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Cristina Gomez Padilla
Social Distancing
Explains social distancing and action to take if you come in close contact with someone exposed to COVID-19
Close Contact
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Jessica Martinez
Face Covering Graphics for Children (Spanish Only)
Graphics developed in collaboration with Mariposa Community Health Center
Sana Sana Colita de Rana 1
Sana Sana Colita de Rana 2
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Sabrina Enriquez
Exposure Reduction for First Responders
Tips to reduce exposure
Exposure Reduction for First Responders
Graphic Designed by AHD Intern Maxwell Allen
COVID-19 Prevention Social Media Campaign
Graphics developed in collaboration with Pima, Pinal and Yuma County Health Departments.
Pima County
Why do You Wear a Mask?-English
Why do You Wear a Mask?-Spanish
COVID-19 or Flu?-English
COVID-19 or Flu?-Spanish
How to Disinfect Properly-English
Pinal County
Why do You Wear a Mask?-English
Why do You Wear a Mask?-Spanish
COVID-19 or Flu?-English
COVID-19 or Flu?-Spanish
How to Disinfect Properly-English
Yuma County
Why do You Wear a Mask?-English
Why do You Wear a Mask?-Spanish
COVID-19 or Flu?-English
COVID-19 or Flu?-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Esmeralda Chavez and Erin Kenney
COVID-19 Vaccination Graphics
Graphics were created to provide information on the COVID-19 vaccine and when you are exempt from having to quarantine.
Cochise County
Vaccination Flyer-English
Vaccination Flyer-Spanish
Pima County
Pima County Quarantine Exemption Guide-English
Pima County Quarantine Exemption Guide-Spanish
General Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Vaccine Facts for the Farmworker Community
Graphics developed in collaboration with Maricopa, Cochise, and Yuma County Health Departments.
Vaccine Fact Sheet- English
Vaccine Fact Sheet- Spanish
Graphics designed by AHD intern Erin Kenney, Robyn Stea, and Jessica Martinez
Guidelines for Businesses to Reopen (and Stay Open) Safely
Materials guiding businesses on how to reopen and stay open safely by utilizing the “Pyramid of Prevention” model. The “Pyramid of Prevention” graphic illustrates measures that can be used in the workplace to stop the spread of COVID-19, starting with the most effective measures at the top of the pyramid. The inverted pyramid shape is especially useful to visualize the best practices for “reopening” the workplace because it shows what measures are most effective and should be the highest priority.
More information on the different precautions based on the Pyramid of Prevention***
Stay Home-English
Stay Home-Spanish
Hand Sanitizer-English
Hand Sanitizer-Spanish
Social Distancing-English
Social Distancing-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Rachel Larson
Farmworker COVID-19 Graphics
Farmworker COVID-19 Health and Safety
Graphics developed in collaboration with Cochise and Health Social Services and Yuma County Health District, Campesinos Sin Fronteras, and the South East Area Health Education Center (SEAHEC) to promote farmworker health and safety.
Protect Your Family-English
Protect Your Family-Spanish
Van Transportation-English
Van Transportation-Spanish
Social Distancing-English
Social Distancing-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Cristina Gomez Padilla
Farmworker Flu Shot Graphics
Graphics developed in collaboration with Yuma County Health District to promote flu vaccinations.
Say No To Flu-English
Say No To Flu-Spanish
Your Family Depends On You-English
Your Family Depends On You-Spanish
Radio Script-English
Radio Script-Spanish
For Your Family-English
For Your Family-Spanish
Get the Flu Shot-English
Get the Flu Shot-Spanish
Do it for your Family-English
Do it for your Family-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Esmeralda Chavez
Arizona Essential Worker Flu Shot Campaign
Graphics developed in collaboration with Yuma County Health District, to promote the flu shot to essential workers.
Agriculture Worker
Correctional Officer
Day Care Provider
Factory Plant Employee
House Keeper
Custodial Staff
Mail Carrier
Food Service Worker
Shelve Stocking Clerk
Transportation - Bus Driver
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Esmeralda Chavez
COVID-19 and Flu Health Graphics (School and Workplace)
Graphics developed in collaboration with Pinal and Pima County Health Departments on managing COVID-19 and the flu.
Pinal County
COVID-19 vs. Influenza-English
COVID-19 vs. Influenza-Spanish
Protocol for Office Devices
Employee Awareness-English
Employee Awareness-Spanish
Influenza-like Illness
Quarantine vs. Isolation
Parents: What to do-English
Parents: What to do-Spanish
COVID-19 Tests-English
COVID-19 Tests-Spanish
Workplace Wellness-English
Pima County
COVID-19 vs. Influenza-English
COVID-19 vs. Influenza-Spanish
Employee Awareness-English
Employee Awareness-Spanish
Understanding Close Contact-English
Understanding Close Contact-Spanish
Parents: What to do-English
Parents: What to do-Spanish
COVID-19 Tests-English
COVID-19 Tests-Spanish
Quarantine vs. Isolation-English
Quarantine vs. Isolation-Spanish
Childcare COVID-19 Quarantine Protocols-English
Childcare COVID-19 Quarantine Protocols-Spanish
Cochise County
Close Contact-English
Close Contact-Spanish
Parents: What to do-English
Parents: What to do-Spanish
Quarantine vs. Isolation-English
Quarantine vs. Isolation-Spanish
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Jessica Martinez, Jassmin Castro, and Erin Kenney
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Graphics
Graphics on safe pregnancies and breastfeeding during COVID-19.
Breastfeeding COVID-19 Graphic
Pregnancy COVID-19 Graphic
COVID-19 and Mental Health Graphics
Graphics developed in collaboration with Cochise Health and Social Services
Social Distancing
Difficult Road
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Shannon Storms
COVID-19 Letter Templates
COVID-19 Case Vs. Exposure Letter Template
Contact Tracing Letter – Protecting Personal Health Information
Templates created by AHD Intern Jassmin Castro
COVID-19 and K-12 Guidance (July 2021)
Graphics developed addressing updating K-12 COVID-19 Guidance in schools.
Cochise County
Physical Distance Guidance - Fully Vaccinated (English)
Meal Time Guidance (English)
Physical Distance Guidance - Not Vaccinated (English)
Graham County
Physical Distance Guidance - Fully Vaccinated (English)
Meal Time Guidance (English)
Physical Distance Guidance - Not Vaccinated (English)
Pima County
Physical Distance Guidance - Fully Vaccinated (English)
Meal Time Guidance (English)
Physical Distance Guidance - Not Vaccinated (English)
Pinal County
Physical Distance Guidance - Fully Vaccinated (English)
Meal Time Guidance (English)
Physical Distance Guidance - Not Vaccinated (English)
Yuma County
Physical Distance Guidance - Fully Vaccinated (English)
Meal Time Guidance (English)
Physical Distance Guidance - Not Vaccinated (English)
Graphics Designed by AHD Intern Erin Green