UNDERGraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate in Addiction and Substance Use

The Addiction and Substance Use certificate provides a comprehensive overview of licit and illicit substances, substance use patterns, risks of use, types of substance use treatment, and disparities in access to treatment. It follows a bio-psycho-social framework that emphasizes the intersection of environmental, social, psychological, biological, and pharmacological factors that contribute to substance use and substance use disorder.
The three required public health courses establish this conceptual foundation, and the elective courses allow students to explore the economic, social, and psychological implications. These include predictors of use as well as the prevention and treatment programs and policies. Delivered entirely online, participants can complete the certificate in one academic year.
Note: Students may apply 6 units toward a Bachelor of Science with a major in Public Health or a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Wellness and Health Promotion Practice.
A minimum of 12 units are required for the undergraduate certificate in Addiction and Substance Use.
Available via Main Campus and Arizona Online
- Minimum GPA 2.0
- Must meet University of Arizona admission requirements
- No outlined course pre-requisites
Admissions Information
Certificate applicants must meet UA undergraduate admissions requirements.
Please Email: COPH-Undergrad@arizona.edu with any questions you may have regarding the addition of a certificate.
Required Courses (9 units)
- PHPM 225 – Introduction to Addiction and Substance Use (3u; Offered Spring: Main & Online Campus)
- HPS 306 – Drugs and Society (3u; Offered Spring: Main Campus; Offered Fall: Main & Online Campus)
- PHPM 448 – Addiction and Substance Use Policy (3u; Offered Fall: Main & Online Campus)
Electives (3 Units)
- HPS 442 – Nicotine Dependence, Treatment and Coaching Intervention (TBD)
- PHPM 310 – Health Care in the U.S. (3u; Offered Fall & Spring: Main & Online Campus)
- HPS 387 – Health Disparities & Minority Health (3u; Offered Spring: Main Campus; Offered Fall: Main & Online Campus; Offered Summer: Main & Online Campus)
- EPID 309 – Introduction to Epidemiology (3)
- HPS 350 – Principles of Health Education and Health Promotion (3u; Offered Fall & Spring: Main & Online Campus)
- HPS 404 – Fundamentals of Evaluation (3u; Offered Spring: Main & Online Campus)
Relevant Advising Policies
- Minimum GPA for required coursework: 2.0
Double dipping: No more than 50% of the units of credit used to complete the certificate can also be used for a current degree requirement (i.e., major, minor, or General Education), second certificate, or previously awarded degree program.
- Visit the Undergraduate Advising page to determine you advisor and their contact information
Additional Information
For additional information about this undergraduate certificate please contact your advisor or send general questions to COPH-Undergrad@arizona.edu.