Registration Tips for Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Admissions

Registration Tips for Undergraduate Students

Below is helpful information put together to assist with creating your schedule and registering for courses required for the Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree program. The course schedule for Summer and Fall 2024 will be viewable from March 1st on. Please take the time to read through the information below based on the courses you are looking to enroll in for the upcoming Summer and/or Fall 2024 semesters.

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Main Campus)

  1. First Semester Composition – ENGL 101 – offered in the fall and with limited availability in the spring and summer.   
  2. Second Semester Composition ENGL 102 – offered in the spring and with limited availability in the fall and summer. 
    • Honors Composition (ENGL 109H) - open to students who have placed into this course (Honors designation not required). This course accelerates two semesters of composition into one semester.
  3. Second Language - run your student advising report in UAccess if you have any questions about if you have met this requirement.
    • If you took the online language placement test and did not test beyond the second semester of the language, you will need to take a class to meet this requirement. For example, if you placed into SPAN 102, you take SPAN 102 and then you have met our second language requirement.
    • If you took the online placement test and tested beyond the second semester proficiency (for example, into SPAN 201), you did not test out. Your next step is to take a proctored proficiency test.
      • Please see this page for more information.
  4. College Algebra - MATH 108 or Higher; MATH 112 is the recommended course – offered fall, spring and summer. You must have place into Math on the math placement test in order to take it. If you have taken a higher numbered MATH course, you have met the requirement.
  5. Chemistry + Selective Science – public health requires at least one chemistry lecture and lab as the minimal requirement. See below for more details. Chemistry contact:
    • CHEM 130/130L AND a Selective Science (min. 3 units)
      • CHEM 130/130L: these courses are commonly referred to as “nursing chemistry”, as pre-nursing students can also take it to meet their chemistry requirement. We recommend taking the lecture and lab concurrently.
        • CHEM 130 (lecture): offered in the fall and spring.
        • CHEM 101L (lecture): offered in fall and spring.
      • Selective Science – Options for selective science on your catalog year. Check with your advisor if you have questions.
        • For students in the 2021/2022 catalog year and earlier: Choose from: ECOL 182R, PSIO 202, MIC 205A, CHEM 241A, PHYS 102, PHYS 142, PHYS 161H or approved transfer course (first semester chemistry cannot be used as selective science). Each course has different prerequisites and term offerings – check the schedule of classes and with your advisor if you have more questions.
        • For students in the 2022/2023 catalog year and later: Choose from: ECOL 182R, PSIO 201, PSIO 380, MIC 205A, CHEM 241A, PHYS 102, PHYS 142, PHYS 161H or approved transfer course (first semester chemistry cannot be used as selective science). Each course has different prerequisites and term offerings – check the schedule of classes and with your advisor if you have more questions.
    • CHEM 151/152 – this is the chemistry that is needed for medical school, physician’s assistants, and other health professional programs.
      • CHEM 151 is the first semester chemistry course and is offered in the fall, spring, and summer. The lab is inclusive in the CHEM 151 enrollment.
      • CHEM 152 is the second semester chemistry course and is offered in the fall, spring, and summer. The lab is inclusive in the CHEM 152 enrollment.
    • CHEM 161/163/162/164 – this is the Honors chemistry option and is appropriate for students planning to pursue medical school, physician’s assistants, and other health professional programs.
      • CHEM 161 is the first semester chemistry lecture. The lab (163) is independent of the lecture but concurrent enrollment is needed for lab enrollment.
      • CHEM 162 is the second semester chemistry lecture. The lab (164) is independent of the lecture but concurrent enrollment is needed for lab enrollment.
  6. General Biology – public health requires a lecture and lab for our degree (4 units). MCB contact:
    • MCB 181R lecture is offered in the fall, spring and summer.
    • MCB 181L lab is offered in the fall and spring.
  7. HPS 178 and 200 -- offered fall, spring, and summer.
  8. Introduction to Nutrition – NSC 170C1 Nutrition, Food, and You – offered fall, spring, and summer. This class fills up quickly. If you can’t get in, you must keep checking. Note: NSC 101 Introduction to Human Nutrition is an approved substitution for this course.
  9. Physiology – for students in the 2021/2022 catalog year and earlier - public health requires a four-unit physiology course. Students in the 2022/2023 catalog year and later are not required to complete a PSIO course, and instead could be used as a selective science (see #5a, b above). UA Physiology contact:
    • PSIO 201 – offered fall, spring, and summer.
    • PSIO 380 – offered in the fall.

The University of Arizona implemented a “general education refresh” program in Spring 2022. This means that:

The below information is specific to students based on those UArizona admittance terms (Fall 2021 and earlier OR Spring 2022 and later). If you are unsure what gen ed model you fall under, please check your UAccess Student Advisement Report. If you have more questions, reach out to your Academic Advisor. 

For students admitted Fall 2021 and earlier (old gen ed requirements):

  1. Public Health students only need two Tier Two courses: either Tier Two Arts or Humanities (not both), and Tier Two Individuals and Societies. Note: some majors require both Tier Two Arts and Tier Two Humanities, like nursing or physiology. If you have taken both, the second one can count for a general elective if you need it.
  2. IMPORTANT: HPS 387 and PHPM 310 DO NOT COUNT for the Tier Two Individuals and Societies requirement for public health majors. They are listed as a Tier Two INDV, but that would only be for non-public health majors. If you are a public health major, both courses HPS 387 AND PHPM 310 are required major courses, and it is against UA policy to count them in this category for both.
  3. There are two general education courses being offered by the College of Public Health: HPS 150C1 “Developments in Disease and Public Health” and HPS 300 “Public Health in the 21st Century”. NOTE: HPS 150C1 can only count for Tier 1 General Education. HPS 300 can count as EITHER Tier 2 General Education OR College of Public Health electives (no double-dipping!).

For students admitted Spring 2022 and later (new structure of gen ed):

  1. All students are required to complete UNIV 101 (1 unit), UNIV 301 (1 unit), 12 units of Exploring Perspectives, and 9 units of Building Connections.
    • Note: UNIV 101/301 are waived for transfer and readmit students.
    • Double dipping: the new gen ed structure allows up to 9 units to be double dipped with major requirements. As March 2023, there are several courses in the COPH that could be double dipped with new gen ed. There are more classes being added to the new gen ed classifications – please check with your advisor to determine what courses you still need to take.

  1. Upper division writing course (ENGL 307, ENGL 308, or HPS 307):
    • ENGL 307 and 308 – during priority registration seniors and juniors are allowed to register. After priority registration, only seniors can register up to two weeks before school, when seats may open if not filled.
    • HPS 307 is available to students who have completed the foundation English requirement. Offered fall and spring.
  2. EPID 309 has MATH 112 - College Algebra or higher as a prerequisite. You either have to have earned the math credit or be currently enrolled at the UA in an appropriate math course to be able to enroll in EPID 309. If you are enrolled in the current semester in a math course outside the UA (such as Pima), you will need to provide evidence of enrollment to your public health advisor to be able to add the course.
  3. PHPM 310 – see section above for students admitted Fall 2021 and earlier.
  4. HPS 350 – both prerequisite courses must be complete or in progress to enroll in the course. Pre-requisites include HPS 178 and 200.
  5. EHS 375 – if you are enrolled in or have completed EPID 309, you are eligible to add EHS 375.
  6. BIOS 376 - has MATH 108 (recommend MATH 112) or higher as a prerequisite. You either have to have earned the math credit or be currently enrolled at the UA in an appropriate math course to be able to enroll in BIOS 376. If you are enrolled in the current semester in a math course outside the UA (such as Pima), you will need to provide evidence of enrollment to your public health advisor to be able to add the course.
  7. HPS 387 – see general education section for course specifics
  8. All 400 level Core Public Health courses listed below require Advanced Standing
    • *HPS 405 – ONLY For students in the 2022/2023 catalog year and later. Requires Advanced Standing.
    • HPS 433 – requires Advanced Standing. If you are enrolled in or have completed EPID 309, you are eligible to add HPS 433.
    • HPS 478 - requires Advanced Standing. If you are enrolled in or have completed EPID 309 and HPS 350, you are eligible to add HPS 478.
    • HPS 493A - requires Advanced Standing. HPS 350 is a prerequisite and must be complete to enroll in the internship.
      • Students cannot register themselves for HPS 493a/b units and will be added to the internship units once they complete and turn in the work plan.
      • Students must have completed the internship orientation before gaining access to the required documents to enroll in the internship units. The internship orientation can be found at:

Click HERE for a breakdown of each emphasis and the courses offered for the upcoming semester.

  1. College of Public Health courses are open to students who are public health majors and minors. Some 300/400 level courses will require students have pre-requisite coursework complete in order to enroll. 
  2. Any upper-division public health course that does not count towards the public health Core Courses or towards your Emphasis can count as a public health elective.
  3. Keep in mind you can also search for classes using the following prefixes: EPID, BIOS, GHI, HPS, EHS, PHPM, and PHP.

  1. This includes any credits that you earn that are not being counted towards any of the other requirements (i.e. pre-requisites, general education courses, and major required courses) for your degree. These include transfer courses, AP, CLEP, minor courses, additional courses required to apply to professional/graduate schools etc. 
  2. As long as a student has 120 credits by the time they graduate, they will have met the general elective requirement.  

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Online Campus)

  1. First Semester Composition – ENGL 101 – offered in the fall, spring, and summer.  
  2. Second Semester Composition ENGL 102 – offered fall, spring, and summer. 
  3. Second Language - run your student advising report in UAccess if you have any questions about if you have met this requirement.
    • If you took the online language placement test and did not test beyond the second semester of the language, you will need to take a class to meet this requirement. For example, if you placed into SPAN 102, you take SPAN 102 and then you have met our second language requirement.
    • If you took the online placement test and tested beyond the second semester proficiency (for example, into SPAN 201), you did not test out. If you already have knowledge of the Spanish language, you may take the Second Language Proficiency exam through an online proctoring service called Examity. A score of 55 or higher is required to test out of SPAN 102.
      • Please see this page for more information.
  4. College Algebra - MATH 108 or Higher; MATH 112 is the recommended course – offered fall, spring and summer. You must have place into Math on the math placement test in order to take it. If you have taken a higher numbered MATH course, you have met the requirement.
  5. Chemistry + Selective Science – public health requires at least one chemistry lecture and one chemistry lab as the minimal requirement and at least 3 units of a selective science. If transferring from an out-of-State college/university a Course Equivalency or Credit Request will be required. Students can any of the below combination of courses to satisfy the Chemistry requirement. Chemistry contact:
    • CHEM 130/130L AND a selective science – CHEM 130/130L is available Arizona Online in the spring semester.
      • Selective Science for students in the 2021/2022 catalog year and earlier: Choose from: ECOL 182R, PSIO 202, MIC 205A, CHEM 241A, PHYS 102, PHYS 142, PHYS 161H or approved transfer course (first semester chemistry cannot be used as selective science). Each course has different prerequisites and term offerings – check the schedule of classes and with your advisor if you have more questions.
      • Selective Science for students in the 2022/2023 catalog year and later: Choose from: ECOL 182R, PSIO 201, PSIO 380, MIC 205A, CHEM 241A, PHYS 102, PHYS 142, PHYS 161H or approved transfer course (first semester chemistry cannot be used as selective science). Each course has different prerequisites and term offerings – check the schedule of classes and with your advisor if you have more questions.
    • CHEM 141/145 and CHEM 142/146 - this is the chemistry that is needed for medical school, physician’s assistants, and other health professional programs. This sequence is available through Arizona Online.
      • CHEM 141 is the first semester chemistry lecture. The lab (CHEM 145) is independent of the lecture. CHEM 141/145 is offered in the fall and summer terms through Arizona Online.
      • CHEM 142 is the second semester chemistry lecture. The lab (CHEM 146) is independent of the lecture. CHEM 142/146 is offered in the spring and summer terms through Arizona Online.
    • CHEM 151/152 – this is the chemistry that is needed for medical school, physician’s assistant, and other health professional programs, etc. Not available through Arizona Online.
  6. General Biology – typically offered fall, spring, and summer. Public health requires a lecture (MCB 181R) and lab (MCB 181L) as the minimal requirement (4 units). If transferring from an Out-of-State college/university a Course Equivalency or Credit Request will be required.
  7. HPS 178 and 200 -- offered fall and spring in 7.5 week sessions; offered summer in 5 week sessions.
  8. Nutrition, Food, and You – NSC 170C1 – offered fall, spring, and summer.
    • Note: NSC 101 Introduction to Human Nutirtion is an approved substitution for this course.
  9. Physiology: for students in the 2021/2022 catalog year and earlier - public health requires a four-unit physiology course. Students in the 2022/2023 catalog year and later are not required to complete a PSIO course, and instead could be used as a selective science.
    • For students in 2021/2022 catalog year and earlier: PSIO 380 (typically offered fall) (for public health goals) or PSIO 201 (typically offered summer and fall; for pre-health profession goals). If transferring from an out-of-State college/university a Course Equivalency or Credit Request will be required. PSIO 201 transfer credits are also acceptable for this requirement.

The University of Arizona implemented a “general education refresh” program in Spring 2022. This means that:

The below information is specific to students based on those UArizona admittance terms (Fall 2021 and earlier OR Spring 2022 and later). If you are unsure what gen ed model you fall under, please check your UAccess Student Advisement Report. If you have more questions, reach out to your Academic Advisor. 

For students admitted Fall 2021 and earlier (old gen ed requirements):

  1. Public Health students only need two Tier Two courses: either Tier Two Arts or Humanities (not both), and Tier Two Individuals and Societies. Note: some majors require both Tier Two Arts and Tier Two Humanities, like nursing or physiology. If you have taken both, the second one can count for a general elective if you need it. 
  2. IMPORTANT: HPS 387 and PHPM 310 DO NOT COUNT for the Tier Two Individuals and Societies requirement for public health majors. They are listed as a Tier Two INDV, but that would only be for non-public health majors. If you are a public health major, both courses HPS 387 AND PHPM 310 are required major courses and it is against UA policy to count them in this category for both.

For students admitted Spring 2022 and later (new structure of gen ed):

  1. All students are required to complete UNIV 101 (1 unit), UNIV 301 (1 unit), 12 units of Exploring Perspectives, and 9 units of Building Connections.
    • Note: UNIV 101/301 are not required for students who are admitted as transfer students (have at least 12 units of transferrable college/university credit).
  2. Double dipping: the new gen ed structure allows up to 9 units to be double dipped with major requirements. As October 2023, there are several courses in the COPH that could be double dipped with new gen ed. There are more classes being added to the new gen ed classifications – please check with your advisor to determine what courses you still need to take.

  1. HPS 307 or ENGL 307 or 308 – offered fall, spring and summer. Seniors and juniors are allowed to register.
  2. EPID 309 -- offered fall and spring. College Algebra or higher is a prerequisite. You either have to have earned the math credit or be currently enrolled at the UA in an appropriate math course to be able to enroll in EPID 309. If you are enrolled in the current semester in a math course outside the UA, you will need to provide evidence of enrollment to your public health advisor to be able to add the course.
  3. PHPM 310 – offered fall. See above regarding General Education for students admitted Fall 2021 and earlier.
  4. HPS 350 – offered fall and spring in 7.5 week session. All prerequisites must be complete or in progress to enroll in the course. Pre-requisites include HPS 178 and 200.
  5. EHS 375 – offered fall, spring, and summer. If you have completed EPID 309, you are eligible to add EHS 375.
  6. BIOS 376 – offered spring. College Algebra or higher is a prerequisite. 
  7. HPS 387 – offered fall and summer. See the above regarding general education.
  8. *HPS 405 – ONLY For students in the 2022/2023 catalog year and later. Requires Advanced Standing.
  9. HPS 433 – offered fall in 7.5 week session. Requires Advanced Standing. If you are enrolled in or have completed EPID 309, you are eligible to add HPS 433.
  10. HPS 478 – offered spring. Requires Advanced Standing. If you are enrolled in or have completed EPID 309 and HPS 350, you are eligible to add HPS 433.
  11. HPS 493A - Requires Advanced Standing. HPS 350 is a prerequisite and must be complete to enroll in the internship. Students cannot register themselves for HPS 493 units and will be added to the internship units once they complete and turn in the work plan. Students must have completed the internship orientation before gaining access to the required documents to enroll in the internship units. The internship orientation can be found at:

Click HERE for a breakdown of each emphasis and the courses offered for the upcoming semester.

  1. College of Public Health courses are open to students who are public health majors and minors and have met the necessary prerequisites. 
  2. Any public health course that does not count towards the public health Core Courses or towards your emphasis would counts as a public health elective. 

  1. These are any credits that you earn that are not being counted towards any of the other requirements for the degree (the pre-requisites, the general education courses, and the courses required for the major). These include transfer courses, AP, CLEP, minor courses, etc. 
  2. If a student has 120 credits by the time they graduate, they will have met the general elective requirement. 
  3. ADDITIONAL PREREQUISITE SCIENCES for Pre-Health Professions (Medical, Dentistry, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Optometry, etc.) graduate schools can also be used to satisfy general electives.
    1. These additional prerequisite courses are not required for public health. Some prerequisite requirements may vary depending on the graduate/professional school.

 Bachelor of Arts in Wellness and Health Promotion Practice (Main Campus)

  1. First Semester Composition – ENGL 101 – offered in the fall and with limited availability in the spring and summer.   
  2. Second Semester CompositionENGL 102 – offered in the spring and with limited availability in the fall and summer.   
    • Honors Composition (ENGL 109H) - open to students who have placed into this course (Honors designation not required). This course accelerates two semesters of composition into one semester.
  3. Second Language – Fourth Semester Proficiency
    • If you took the online language placement test and did not test beyond the fourth semester of the language, you will need to take class(es) to meet this requirement. For example, if you placed into SPAN 102, you take SPAN 102, 201, & 202 and then you have met our second language requirement.
    • If you took the online placement test and tested at the fourth semester or beyond proficiency (for example, into SPAN 202), you did not test out. Your next step is to take a proctored proficiency test.
    • Please see this page for more information.
  4. College Algebra - MATH 107 or higher – You must have placed into Math on the math placement test in order to take it. If you have taken a higher numbered MATH course, you have met the requirement.
    1. Math contact:  or

**All courses require grades of C or better

  1. Biostatistics Course (Choose one)
    • Understanding Our Health Through Data - BIOS 216
    • Introduction to Biostatistics – BIOS 376 – has MATH 108 or MATH 112 College Algebra or higher as a prerequisite. You either have to have earned the math credit or be currently enrolled at the UA in an appropriate math course to be able to enroll in BIOS 376. If you are enrolled in the current semester in a math course outside the UA (such as Pima), you will need to provide evidence of enrollment to your public health advisor to be able to add the course.
  2. Communication Skills (Choose one): Most courses are offered Fall and Spring, and some have Summer availability.
    • For enrollment in any of the COMM prefixed courses, please reach out to Isabella Carrillo
      • COMM 114
      • COMM 117
      • COMM 119
      • COMM 201
      • COMM 209
      • COMM 314
      • GHI 414

**All courses require grades of C or better

  1. HPS 178 and 200 -- offered fall, spring, and summer.
  2. PHP 210 – offered Spring.
  3. PHP 322 – offered Spring – prerequisite courses: HPS 178 & HPS 200. You either have to have earned the HPS credits or be currently enrolled at the UA to be able to enroll in PHP 322.
  4. *HPS 403 – offered Fall – prerequisite course: HPS 178. You either have to have earned HPS 178 credit or be currently enrolled at the UA to be able to enroll in HPS 403.
  5. *HPS 404 – offered Spring.
  6. *HPS 405 – offered Fall and Spring.
  7. EHS 425 - A Public Health Lens to Climate Change (requirement starts for Fall 2025 admits)

*These 400 level courses do not require advanced standing to be completed
**All courses require grades of C or better

The University of Arizona implemented a “general education refresh” program in Spring 2022. This means that:

The below information is specific to students based on those UArizona admittance terms (Fall 2021 and earlier OR Spring 2022 and later). If you are unsure what gen ed model you fall under, please check your UAccess Student Advisement Report. If you have more questions, reach out to your Academic Advisor. 

For students admitted Fall 2021 and earlier (old gen ed requirements):

  1. Public Health students only need two Tier Two courses: either Tier Two Arts or Humanities (not both), and Tier Two Individuals and Societies. Note: some majors require both Tier Two Arts and Tier Two Humanities, like nursing or physiology. If you have taken both, the second one can count for a general elective if you need it. 
  2. IMPORTANT: HPS 387 and PHPM 310 DO NOT COUNT for the Tier Two Individuals and Societies requirement for public health majors. They are listed as a Tier Two INDV, but that would only be for non-public health majors. If you are a public health major, both courses HPS 387 AND PHPM 310 are required major courses and it is against UA policy to count them in this category for both.
  3. There are two general education courses being offered by the College of Public Health: HPS 150C1 “Developments in Disease and Public Health” and HPS 300 “Public Health in the 21st Century”. NOTE: HPS 150C1 can only count for Tier 1 General Education. HPS 300 can count as EITHER Tier 2 General Education OR College of Public Health electives (no double-dipping!).

For students admitted Spring 2022 and later (new structure of gen ed):

  1. All students are required to complete UNIV 101 (1 unit), UNIV 301 (1 unit), 12 units of Exploring Perspectives, and 9 units of Building Connections.
    • Note: UNIV 101/301 are not required for students who are admitted as transfer students (have at least 12 units of transferable college/university credit).
  2. Double dipping: the new gen ed structure allows up to 9 units to be double dipped with major requirements. As October 2023, there are several courses in the COPH that could be double dipped with new gen ed. There are more classes being added to the new gen ed classifications – please check with your advisor to determine what courses you still need to take.

Click HERE for a breakdown of each emphasis and the courses offered for the upcoming semester.

  1. You can also search for classes using the following prefixes: EHS, EPID, GHI, HPS, NSC, PHPM, and PHP.

Must have Advanced Standing to enroll in practicum courses. All students are required to complete 6 units with grades of C/P or higher.

  1. HPS 394 – offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. This course needs faculty approval for enrollment. Note that this course can be completed for 1 – 3 total units.
  2. HPS 497E – offered Fall and Spring. HPS 350 is a course prerequisite. You must either be completing or have completed HPS 350 at the UA to be eligible for HPS 497E. Note that this course is taken for a total of 2 units.
  3. HPS 497F – offered Fall and Spring. Note this course can be completed for 2-6 total units.
  4. HPS 497L – offered Fall and Spring. HPS 350 is a course prerequisite. You must either be completing or have completed HPS 350 at the UA to be eligible for HPS 497L. Note that this course is taken for a total of 2 units.

  1. HPS 493X – OFFERED Fall, Spring, and Summer
    • Complete 3 units of field work credit with a grade of P or S.
    • Three units of practicum credit must be completed before enrolling in field work units.
    • The required field work reflects preceptor-led (preceptor can be a primary HPS faculty member, community organization, healthcare or behavioral health setting government organization, business, etc.), faculty-assessed, experiential learning experiences.

  1. This includes any credits that you earn that are not being counted towards any of the other requirements (i.e. pre-requisites, general education courses, and major required courses) for your degree. These include transfer courses, AP, CLEP, minor courses, additional courses required to apply to professional/graduate schools etc.
    1. Minors are strongly encouraged while pursuing the BA in Wellness and Health Promotion Practice to help ensure you meet the minimum required units for graduation. 
  2. As long as a student has 120 credits by the time they graduate, they will have met the general elective requirement.  

 Bachelor of Arts in Wellness and Health Promotion Practice (Online Campus)

  1. First Semester Composition – ENGL 101 – offered in the fall and with limited availability in the spring and summer.   
  2. Second Semester CompositionENGL 102 – offered in the spring and with limited availability in the fall and summer.   
    • Honors Composition (ENGL 109H) - open to students who have placed into this course (Honors designation not required). This course accelerates two semesters of composition into one semester.
  3. Second Language – Fourth Semester Proficiency
    • If you took the online language placement test and did not test beyond the fourth semester of the language, you will need to take class(es) to meet this requirement. For example, if you placed into SPAN 102, you take SPAN 102, 201, & 202 and then you have met our second language requirement.
    • If you took the online placement test and tested at the fourth semester or beyond proficiency (for example, into SPAN 202), you did not test out. Your next step is to take a proctored proficiency test.
    • Please see this page for more information.
  4. College Algebra - MATH 107 or higher – You must have placed into Math on the math placement test in order to take it. If you have taken a higher numbered MATH course, you have met the requirement.
    1. Math contact:  or

**All courses require grades of C or better

  1. Introduction to Biostatistics – BIOS 376 – has College Algebra or higher as a prerequisite. You either have to have earned the math credit or be currently enrolled at the UA in an appropriate math course to be able to enroll in BIOS 376. If you are enrolled in the current semester in a math course outside the UA (such as Pima), you will need to provide evidence of enrollment to your public health advisor to be able to add the course.
  2. Communication Skills (Choose one): Most courses are offered Fall and Spring, and some have Summer availability.
    • For enrollment in any of the COMM prefixed courses, please reach out to Isabella Carrillo
      • COMM 201
      • COMM 209
      • GHI 414

**All courses require grades of C or better

  1. HPS 178 and 200 -- offered fall, spring, and summer.
  2. PHP 210 – offered Spring.
  3. PHP 322 – offered Spring – prerequisite courses: HPS 178 & HPS 200. You either have to have earned the HPS credits or be currently enrolled at the UA to be able to enroll in PHP 322.
  4. *HPS 403 – offered Fall – prerequisite course: HPS 178. You either have to have earned HPS 178 credit or be currently enrolled at the UA to be able to enroll in HPS 403.
  5. *HPS 404 – offered Spring
  6. *HPS 405 – offered Fall
  7. *​EHS 425 - offered Spring (requirement starting for Fall 2025 admits)

*These 400 level courses do not require advanced standing to be completed
**All courses require grades of C or better

The University of Arizona implemented a “general education refresh” program in Spring 2022. This means that:

The below information is specific to students based on those UArizona admittance terms (Fall 2021 and earlier OR Spring 2022 and later). If you are unsure what gen ed model you fall under, please check your UAccess Student Advisement Report. If you have more questions, reach out to your Academic Advisor. 

For students admitted Fall 2021 and earlier (old gen ed requirements):

  1. Public Health students only need two Tier Two courses: either Tier Two Arts or Humanities (not both), and Tier Two Individuals and Societies. Note: some majors require both Tier Two Arts and Tier Two Humanities, like nursing or physiology. If you have taken both, the second one can count for a general elective if you need it. 
  2. IMPORTANT: HPS 387 and PHPM 310 DO NOT COUNT for the Tier Two Individuals and Societies requirement for public health majors. They are listed as a Tier Two INDV, but that would only be for non-public health majors. If you are a public health major, both courses HPS 387 AND PHPM 310 are required major courses and it is against UA policy to count them in this category for both.
  3. There are two general education courses being offered by the College of Public Health: HPS 150C1 “Developments in Disease and Public Health” and HPS 300 “Public Health in the 21st Century”. NOTE: HPS 150C1 can only count for Tier 1 General Education. HPS 300 can count as EITHER Tier 2 General Education OR College of Public Health electives (no double-dipping!).

For students admitted Spring 2022 and later (new structure of gen ed):

  1. All students are required to complete UNIV 101 (1 unit), UNIV 301 (1 unit), 12 units of Exploring Perspectives, and 9 units of Building Connections.
    • Note: UNIV 101/301 are not required for students who are admitted as transfer students (have at least 12 units of transferable college/university credit).
  2. Double dipping: the new gen ed structure allows up to 9 units to be double dipped with major requirements. As October 2023, there are several courses in the COPH that could be double dipped with new gen ed. There are more classes being added to the new gen ed classifications – please check with your advisor to determine what courses you still need to take.

Click HERE for a breakdown of each emphasis and the courses offered for the upcoming semester.

  1. You can also search for classes using the following prefixes: EHS, EPID, GHI, HPS, NSC, PHPM, and PHP.

Must have Advanced Standing to enroll in practicum courses. All students are required to complete 6 units with grades of C/P or higher.

  • HPS 394 – offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. This course needs faculty approval for enrollment. 

HPS 493X – offered Fall, Spring, and Summer

  • Complete 3 units of field credit with a grade of P or S.
  • Three units of practicum credit must be completed before enrolling in internship units.
  • The required field work reflects preceptor-led (preceptor can be a primary HPS faculty member, community organization, healthcare or behavioral health setting government organization, business, etc.), faculty-assessed, experiential learning experiences.

  1. This includes any credits that you earn that are not being counted towards any of the other requirements (i.e. pre-requisites, general education courses, and major required courses) for your degree. These include transfer courses, AP, CLEP, minor courses, additional courses required to apply to professional/graduate schools etc.
    1. Minors are strongly encouraged while pursuing the BA in Wellness and Health Promotion Practice to help ensure you meet the minimum required units for graduation. 
  2. As long as a student has 120 credits by the time they graduate, they will have met the general elective requirement.