UNDERGraduate Certificate
Public Health Emergency and Epidemic Preparedness Undergraduate Certificate

Developed and implemented by public health experts with extensive applied experience in public health emergency and epidemic preparedness/response, the University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Certificate in Public Health Emergency and Epidemic Preparedness will provide participants with foundational knowledge and skills needed to support public health response to emergencies, epidemics, and pandemics. Participants in this 12-unit certificate program will gain an understanding of emergency management systems; they will be introduced to various forms of disasters and public health threats, as well as to essential public health response skills. Participants will be trained on how to use epidemiological tools to conduct a rapid assessment and public health investigation of emergencies/disease outbreaks. Individuals who successfully complete this certificate will also earn three FEMA certificates and a certificate in contact tracing. The FEMA certificates are open-source course modules that would be embedded into the certificate courses. The contact tracing certification is delivered through the MEZCOPH’s Western Region Public Health Training Center. Delivered fully online through Main Campus, Arizona Online, and Global Direct Online, this certificate program can be completed in one year.
Available via Main Campus and Arizona Online.
- Incoming admit students must meet University of Arizona admission requirements & complete MATH 108 or MATH 112 prior to enrollment in EPID 309.
- Current students must complete and pass MATH 108 or 112 in order to declare.
- Minimum GPA 2.0
Admissions Information
Open to degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students.
Please Email COPH-Undergrad@arizona.edu with any questions regarding the certificate.
Required Courses – 12 units:
Core Courses (9 units)
- EHS 110 – Foundations of Disasters Management and Response (TBD)
- EHS 320 – Disasters Management and Response (3u; Offered Fall: Main & Online Campus)
- EPID 309 – Introduction to Epidemiology (3u; Offered Spring & Fall: Main & Online Campus)
- MATH 108 or 112 or higher is a required prerequisite
Electives (3 Units)
- EHS 100 – One Health in Action (3u; Offered Spring: Main & Online Campus)
- EHS 420 – Environmentally Acquired Illnesses (3u; Offered Spring: Main & Online Campus)
- HPS 433 – Global Health (3u; Offered Spring: Main Campus; Offered Fall: Main & Online)
- EHS 439A – Outbreaks and Environmental Microbiology: Then to Now (3u; Offered Summer: Main & Online Campus)
- EHS 489 – Public Health Preparedness (3u; Offered Fall: Main & Online Campus)
- HPS 459 – Management of Public Health Emergencies (3u; Offered Fall: Main & Online Campus)
- EPID 479 – Infections and Epidemics (3u; Offered Spring: Main Campus)
- EPID 411 – Health and Disease Across Time and World (3u; Offered Spring: Main campus)
- EPID 497T – Case Investigations, Contact Tracing and Public Health Response (TBD)
Relevant Advising Policies
- Minimum GPA for required coursework: 2.0
Double dipping: No more than 50% of the units of credit used to complete the certificate can also be used for a current degree requirement (i.e., major, minor, or General Education), second certificate, or previously awarded degree program.
- Visit the Undergraduate Advising page to determine you advisor and their contact information
Additional Information
For additional information about this undergraduate certificate please contact your advisor or send general questions to COPH-Undergrad@arizona.edu.