UNDERGraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Safety Certificate

The Undergraduate Safety Certificate will focus on occupational health and provide educational training in safety topics relevant to a student's chosen career field. Safety is of paramount importance in every workplace. Certain occupations involve risks and hazards beyond the usual everyday experience. Many industries employ safety officers to ensure that essential safety responsibilities of the organization are fulfilled. Individuals with specialized skills and education in safety matters related to these higher risk workplaces perform critical functions such as developing and enforcing safety rules and protocols, training and educating employees to safely perform their jobs, ensuring compliance with pertinent laws and regulations, performing risk assessment, and promoting positive safety culture in the organization.
Note: Students may apply 6 units toward a Bachelor of Science with a major in Public Health.
Available via Main campus only.
- 2.0 gpa
- College Algebra (e.g. MATH 112) or higher-level MATH course
- one semester Chemistry with lab (e.g. CHEM 141/145, CHEM 151, CHEM 130/130L).
Admissions Information
Certificate applicants must meet UA undergraduate admissions requirements.
Main campus students (In Person): Find your advisor as determined by your last name, same as COPH degree advising.
A minimum of 13 units are required for the undergraduate certificate in Safety.
Required Courses (7 units)
- EHS 375 – Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health (3)
- EHS 422 – Safety Fundamentals (3)
- CHEM 405A – Basic Laboratory Safety (1)
Electives (6 Units)
- EHS 418 – Human Health Risk Assessment (3)
- EHS 484 – Fundamentals of Environmental and Occupational Health (3)
- CHEM 405B – Advanced Laboratory Safety (1)
- CHEM 405C – Chemical Hygiene and Regulations (1)
- MNE 297A – Underground Mine Safety (1)
- MNE 297C – Fundamentals of Mine Rescue (1)
- MNE 423 – Historic and Contemporary Role of US Regulatory Agencies (OSHA, MSHA, EPA) (3)
- MNE 424 – Miner Health: Fitness-for-Duty, Mitigating Exposures, and Managing Disease Risk (3)
- MNE 425 – Mine Emergencies and Disasters -Prevention, Response, and Recovery (3)
- MNE 426 – Health & Safety in Mining (1)
- CE/CHEE 478 – Hazardous Waste Management (3)
Relevant Advising Policies
- Minimum GPA for required coursework: 2.0
- Double dipping: No more than 50% of the units of credit used to complete the certificate can also be used for a current degree requirement (i.e., major, minor, or General Education), second certificate, or previously awarded degree program.
- Visit the Undergraduate Advising page to determine you advisor and their contact information
Additional Information
For additional information about this undergraduate certificate please contact your advisor or send general questions to coph-onlineUG@arizona.edu.