Dean's Fund for Excellence

Donate to the Dean's Fund for Excellence
Help support the most urgent needs
The Dean's Fund for Excellence will provide support for the most urgent needs. This fund allows us to respond to our most critical needs of MEZCOPH to advance the understanding of and response to college and public health emergencies.
At the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, our faculty experts and students are working closely with regional health providers, first responders, and the Pima County Health Department to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in Southern Arizona and to provide education, research and public health expertise.
With your support, our students and public health professionals are working and volunteering to provide public health assistance and information in many ways, together we are:
- Taking calls and answering questions at the Poison Control Hotline or 1-800-222-1222;
- Contact Tracing. Closely watching these contacts after exposure to an infected person will help the contacts to get care and treatment, and will prevent further transmission of the virus. This monitoring process is called contact tracing;
- Patient follow-up; and,
- Leading and continuing studies from multiple county health departments throughout our state of Arizona Information
For information about the University of Arizona’s response,
For information about the College of Public Health’s response,