One Health

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Help forge the future of public health
Humans, Animals, and the Environment
The groundbreaking field of One Health – understanding how human health is deeply interconnected with animal health and environmental health – will guide the future of public health around the world.
College Leads in 'One Health' Research
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Our researchers are actively investigating the links between humans, animals, and the environment to understand sources of illness and disease. Sometimes toxins in the environment that originated with human behavior impact the animal population, then enter the food chain and damage human health. Sometimes pesticides or domestic animals are affecting water quality, which in turn impacts both the environment and humans. And climate change already compounds the stress on many environments that sustain human and animal life. The relationships are complex, and the more we understand them using science, the more we can address these interconnected health challenges and restore the balance of environment, animals, and humans to build healthy communities.
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now recognizes the One Health ( approach as the key to future global health promotion for humans and the environment, and funds research and health promotion projects based on this comprehensive health perspective. To meet the health challenges of a rapidly changing world, new strategies are needed, and One Health will show the way.
The college now offers a One Health Track for our BS in Public Health, a Masters in Public Health (MPH) One Health degree, and graduate and undergraduate Certificates in One Health. In addition, many of our faculty are actively engaged in research conducted using the One Health approach that is aimed at solving health disparities in vulnerable communities, here in Arizona and around the world.
Your help to fund One Health research and education will help us tackle these complex public health problems that will restore ecosystems, clean up water and soil, build resilient natural cycles, and ensure healthy humans, healthy animals, and healthy environments for all our communities. Become part of the solution today!