Young Global Leaders Program Enables High School Students to Explore Public Health Practice and Careers
This summer, high school students in the Young Global Leaders Program explored mental health from a public health perspective, toured college facilities and programs, and met with COPH faculty, staff, students, and alumni to explore career opportunities in public health.
The Young Global Leaders Program offered by the college’s Global Health Institute (GHI) allows rising 11th and 12th grade high school students the opportunity to explore public health through hands-on experiences in research, meetings with professionals and faculty, lab experiences and tours. The students learn about opportunities in public health academic track careers, professional careers, and research.
This past June, eight students representing local Tucson high schools including University High, Salpointe Catholic, St. Augustine, San Miguel, and City High School, participated in the week-long program. The theme for this year’s program was mental health from a public health perspective and guided students to learn about the multidisciplinary nature of public health. Students attended four days of virtual learning that included lectures with COPH faculty, staff, students, and alumni. On the last day, the students came together on campus for final presentations and a tour of the Public Health Experimental Lab as well as the college’s Tucson Primary Prevention Mobile Health Unit (MHU).
To apply what they learned, students were given a project to create a flyer, social media post, or other form of communication that would promote positive mental wellness practices, access to mental health services, or helped to destigmatize mental health. The results were creative and inspiring!
The GHI team extends their thanks to our generous and dedicated donors. We also want to thank our student volunteer, Chidera Ejike, and our guest speakers who shared their expertise and insights – Kim Barnes, Melanie Fleck, Agnes Attakai, Dr. Velia Nuño, Christi Castillo, Erin Green, Cindy Davis, Dr. David Salafsky, Dr. Elise Lopez, Sheila Soto, and Dr. Jonathan Sexton. And of course we thank our student participants in the program for their passion and commitment to making our world a better place!
We look forward to Summer 2023 as we plan for a fully in-person Young Global Leaders program including a daily lab component. Program details and the application process will be announced in February 2023.