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2024 Graduating Student Profiles: Chanda Jones, BS

Chanda Jones, BS - Outstanding Public Health Undergraduate Devoted Her Time to Help Others

Chanda Jones, graduated Summa Cum Laude this spring 2024 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health with an emphasis in One Health. Throughout her academic journey, Chanda has demonstrated excellence and dedication in her contributions to her community. She made a significant impact during her internship at the University of New Mexico Hospital where she played a critical role in developing protocols to prevent C. diff infections. For her contributions and dedication to public health, Chanda received the 2024 Outstanding Online Senior Award.


I want to take what I have learned in school, my internship, and my current job and make a difference in people’s lives.


Chanda Jones

BS in Public Health with an Emphasis in One Health

Chanda received her Bachelor of Science in Public Health with an empasis in One Health. In addition to obtaining her degree, she also graduated Summa Cum Laude which is awarded to those with a grade point average of 3.9 or above.

Although faced with a demanding academic schedule and family responsibilities, Chanda dedicated significant time to her internship at University of New Mexico Hospital in the Infection Prevention and Control Department where she played a vital role in infection prevention. She implemented an audit of tools and protocols to ensure effective isolation and proper protective measures to prevent the spread of C. diff, initiatives that continue to benefit patients and staff to this day. 

Chanda demonstrated leadership and used analysis of the data she collected to implement staff hand hygiene programs, conduct infectious disease contact tracing, and execute risk assessments to enhance disinfection protocols, all aimed at minimizing patient harm. Chanda's persistent commitment to public health and her many contributions stand as evidence of her outstanding character and dedication to the betterment of healthcare practices. For her hard work and contributions, she received the 2024 Outstanding Online Senior Award.

For this profile, we asked Chanda about what she learned during her undergraduate journey at MEZCOPH and what inspires her about public health.

Q: Did you have a teacher or mentor who especially inspired you? How and why?

A: While there have been many teachers, mentors, and family that have supported me there is one teacher that stood out, Professor Kate Ellingson. She used to be an infection preventionist, she worked for the department of health, and she supported me in my pursuit of my applying for an MPH degree program. She told me that we need more people with an MPH in infection control. Thankfully, I was accepted to my program after she wrote me a letter of recommendation.

Q: What are some challenges or obstacles that you had to overcome in the process of your education in the college, or in the projects/programs in which you worked?

A: My entire educational journey has been a rewarding struggle. I worked full time while also taking a full course load. I have a 6-year-old daughter (who was 3 when I started this journey), and three dogs at home. There wasn’t just one giant obstacle but a series of small daily struggles and sacrifices. Add to that the pressure that I put on myself to achieve the highest grades, and to set an example for my daughter that women can do hard things. Now, exactly twenty years after graduating high school, I have finally completed my Bachelor’s degree.

Q: How will your education and experience as a public health student influence your path forward?

A: I will use my education and experience as a public health student in my role as an infection preventionist. I work with multidisciplinary teams to develop best practices for our hospital, and I’ll I use my problem-solving skills to develop processes that keep patients safe. I want to take what I have learned in school, my internship, and my current job and make a difference in people’s lives. I would love to apply my knowledge of One Health by working for the CDC at some point. I have also been inspired to continue my education and earn a Masters degree in public health. I want to continue to expand my knowledge in public health and the many ways that it intersects other disciplines.

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