Undergraduate Programs
Accelerated BS & MPH in Global Health Program

Students now have the opportunity to complete a Bachelors of Science in Public Health with a track in Global Health and a Masters of Public Health with a concentration in Global Health in 5 years. This accelerated program saves students time and money by completing two public health programs in a shorter timeline of 5 years instead of 6 years.
Students in this accelerated Global Health program will gain advanced knowledge and skills that are necessary to engage effectively in global health practice ‐ whether at home in a diverse setting, along the border in a bi‐cultural environment, working side‐by‐side in indigenous homelands or abroad where populations and communities are displaced and under‐resourced, and where health systems are severely constrained. Students will be introduced to the world’s vast diversity of determinants of health and disease. They will have an opportunity to critically appraise health systems in different parts of the world, and analyze current and emerging global health priorities, including infectious diseases, poverty, conflicts and emergencies, health inequity, principles and impact of health systems reforms, and major global initiatives for disease prevention and health promotion.
Interested students are encouraged to meet with their undergraduate academic advisor. Students must apply during their 6th semester of undergraduate studies after completion of 56 units. A GPA of 3.3 or higher is required to apply. Students are accepted following completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours. Students will begin the MPH curriculum their senior year as an undergraduate. As with the MPH, the internship is initiated during the summer between the first (senior) and second year of the MPH degree.
Further Information
If you have questions or would like further information, please contact Andrea Gaub, Director for Undergraduate Programs at andreaw@arizona.edu.