Undergraduate Programs
Accelerated BS & MPH Programs
Discover the fast track to your public health career with our Accelerated BS/MPH programs, offering a dynamic blend of undergraduate and graduate studies designed to propel you into impactful health professions with unmatched expertise and speed.
Accelerated BS & MPH Environmental & Occupational Health Program
The Environmental Health Sciences Section has developed an accelerated five-year Bachelor of Science to Master of Public Health Degree option for exceptional students.

Accelerated BS & MPH in Global Health Program
Students now have the opportunity to complete a Bachelors of Science in Public Health with a track in Global Health and a Masters of Public Health with a concentration in Global Health in 5 years.
AMP Frequently Asked Questions
The Accelerated Mater’s Program is designed to have students complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees within 5 years rather than the 6 years it would normally take.
Once a student has completed 75 units of undergraduate coursework and has a 3.3 GPA or higher they are eligible to submit their AMP-MPH application through GradApp.
Fall Admits: Students planning to start graduate level coursework during the Fall semester are required to have their AMP-MPH GradApp completed by December 31st. Once conditionally admitted students should begin working on their SOPHAS application as well as their MPH GradApp application, both of which are due by April 1st.
Spring Admits: Students planning to start graduate level coursework during the Spring semester are required to have their AMP-MPH application submitted by October 31st. The deadline for your SOPHAS application and MPH GradApp application are due by April 1st.
Students that are conditionally admitted to an AMP program can take up to 12 units of 500-level coursework to use towards both their undergraduate and graduate degree.
The Graduate College AMP programs require a 3.3 GPA or higher in order to take part in the
accelerated program.
You will be required to complete the Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses form and acquire signatures from each instructor of the courses you will be enrolling and the Director of Undergraduate Advising.
Here is a link to the form: https://arizona.app.box.com/v/grad-gsas-ugradenroll
During years 1-3 you will be taking undergraduate coursework and charged undergraduate tuition. Once admitted to AMP (for your senior year) you are eligible to take up to 12 units of graduate coursework which may apply toward both your bachelor’s and master’s degrees. During this time you will be charged at the undergraduate rate.
While you are in your final year of your bachelor’s degree and taking up to 12 units of credit that will go towards your bachelor’s and master’s degrees you will still be eligible to use your undergraduate scholarships.
As an undergraduate student you are only able to take 500 & 600-level courses during your final year. You will gain access to the other numbered courses once you are officially admitted to the graduate program and been awarded your bachelor’s degree.
In this instance you would no longer be considered an undergraduate for financial aid and tuition purposes and will lose the ability to use your undergraduate scholarships while also not being eligible for graduate assistantships.
As an undergraduate you are required to keep your graduate coursework cumulative GPA at a 3.0 or higher in order to be officially admitted to the master’s program.
Students are able to apply for conditional admission through the AMP-MPH application process. If conditionally admitted students will be eligible to start their graduate level coursework as an undergraduate. They will then be required to submit their official SOPHAS application and GradApp MPH application to be considered for official graduate college admissions.