Aaron Yoder
B.S. in Public Health
Hometown:Harrisonburg, VA
Majors / Minors:B.S. in Public Health
What else are you involved in?I am a desk assistant with Residence Life, work with Wildcats for Wellness, am a supplemental instruction (SI) leader with the Think Tank, and am involved in the Navigator Christians Club.
Why choose the UA / What’s awesome about the UA:I chose the University of Arizona because of the beautiful campus and the vibrant Tucson culture!
Why did you choose public health?I chose public health because I think prevention is extremely valuable and I like how public health focuses on communities and populations.
What are your career goals:In the future, I want to work in health education and health promotion focused on physical activity and nutrition to overcome health disparities. Immediately after graduation, I am going into the Peace Corps.
Fun Fact about you (hobbies, trivia, etc.):I am obsessed with running and it is a large part of why I am interested in public health!
One piece of advice for incoming students (transfer and freshmen):Never be afraid to try anything. Whether it is a social activity or a competitive scholarship. You never know what may come from your choice to get involved.